Unit 2What time do you go to school Section A 1a-2d 课件(34张PPT).ppt

Unit 2What time do you go to school Section A 1a-2d 课件(34张PPT).ppt

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Unit 2What time do you go to school Section A 1a-2d 课件(34张PPT)

Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine. Interviewer: That’s a funny time for breakfast! Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty. Interviewer: When do you go to work? Scott: At eleven o’clock, so I’m never late for work. 1. job与work 辨析 job是可数名词, 主要指有报酬的工作。 work是不可数名词, 主要指要付出努力 的劳动。 e.g. 鲍勃想找一份好的工作。 Bob wants to find a good ____. job 今天我有很多工作要做。 I have much _____ to do today. 她每天六点钟去上班。 She goes to _____ at six o’clock. work work 2. That’s a funny time for breakfast! time常和介词“for”搭配,表示“做……的时间”。 e.g. We don’t have too much time for sports. 我们没有太多的时间开展体育活动。 Time for dinner, children. Go and wash your hands, please. 孩子们,饭好了。去洗手吧。 3. I usually exercise at about ten twenty. exercise 的用法小结: 作动词,“锻炼”。 e.g. 他爷爷每天早晨锻炼。 His grandpa ________ in the morning. 作不可数名词,“锻炼;运动”。 e.g. 每天他都做大约十五分钟的运动 He does about fifteen minutes’ _______ every day. exercises exercise 作可数名词,“体操;(技能)练习”。 e.g. 我们每天做早操。 We do morning ________ every day. exercises 4. …so I’m never late for work. be late for 意为“做……迟到” e.g. 汤姆经常上学迟到。 Tom is always ____ ___ school. late for Survey: the time to get up name time Jim 5:00 Mary 5:30 Tom 6:00 … … … … Report: Jim gets up at five o’clock. Mary gets up at five thirty. Tom gets up at six o’clock. … XX is the earliest. Interview: your partner’s weekend Activities Time get up eat breakfast eat dinner take a shower watch TV go to bed Report: Jim gets up at 8 o’clock. He eats breakfast at 8:30… What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty. What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty. - What time does Rick eat b


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