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What does our earth look like? How is our living environment? Water is important resources in our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we often drop litter in the river. So the water was polluted by us. I think we could use a bottle of water two or three times. We have to turn off the tap after cleaning hands. Air pollution is becoming a severe problem,which mainly caused by transport action and factories production. The air pollution changes the conditions that we depend on, such as the greenhouse effect and the acid rain. It causes many diseases,too. The air pollution Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere. You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water. Our environment is the place in which we live, but it is being ruined by us. Maybe we can use this instead of the plastic bags. Actually, the environment is very important to human health, such as tuberculosis, cancer, these are not cure disease caused by the bad environment, and destroy the environment of the whole world caused serious damage. Example: landslides and debris flows, sandstorm to people, animals, plants damage of... And so on. 其实,环境对人体健康十分的重要,像肺结核、癌症等,这些不治症都是恶劣环境所造成的,而破坏环境己经对整个世界造成了严重损伤。比如:山体滑坡、泥石流、沙尘暴等对人、动物、植物造成的伤害……等等。 What should we do? Thank you! Pollutions Water pollution Air pollution Noise pollution “white” pollution The Water pollution Automobile exhaust old cans plastic bags Low-carbon life 低碳生活”就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减少低碳,减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。 Low carbon life is refers to life work and rest place cost when the energy to try to reduce, thereby reducing carbon, reduce the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating, mainly from solar power saving and recovery of three links to change life details. How to live a low-carbon life? First of al


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