【bk】(人教版)高中英语选修8课件:Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language(共66张PPT).ppt

【bk】(人教版)高中英语选修8课件:Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language(共66张PPT).ppt

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【bk】(人教版)高中英语选修8课件:Unit 1 A land of diversity Using Language(共66张PPT)

高二人教新课标版选修八 Unit 1 A land of diversity Where are you? Where’s that? What are you doing down there? Really? So how’s the trip been? And what about ...? What’s it really like? What do you think? What happened then? Indeed? What other scenery is there? Such as? Hispanic? Is that so? Cool. Good. Yes, that’s right. Lucky you! Mmm, sounds interesting. That surprises / doesn’t surprise me. Wow ! Sounds fantastic! Give an example. Oh I see. Sounds great! Ah ha! Gosh, George! Just as I thought. 1. Teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired a car. A. bought B. rent C. stole D. borrowed 6. There’s a great drive marked out for tourists. 有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道。 1) drive n. used in the names of roads 路, 大道 They live at 141 Park Drive. 他们住在公园路141号。 2) mark out 划线分出,(标记)选出 7. It’s a 79 km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. 正是这79公里的往返旅程包括了所有的 著名的旅游景点。 take in 1) 包括 This price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food. 这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用。 2) 吸收, 收留, 收容, 收养, 接待 Our party branch took in a new member yesterday.  我们党支部昨天吸收了一名新党员。 3) 理会, 理解, 记住 I wonder if he’s really taking it in. 我想知道他是否真正明白了。 4) 欺骗, 使上当 The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies. 这个推销员发现老太太容易上当受骗。 A good/great many B Choose the Synonyms (同义词) 2. More and more people were able to grasp the opportunity. A. hold B. miss C. lose D. have 3. Apparently he’d been shocked when he saw a terrible accident. A. distinctly B. thankfully C. obviously D. relevantly A C 4. It is a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. A. cheats B. includes C. understand D. absorbs 5. Chinese people applied for right to live in USA. A. approved of B. asked for C. devoted to D. put on B B 2


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