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-*- * 4 语法专题课 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero Period Lead-in: Make sentences. 1.It is our classroom. 2. We study in our classroom. 3.Today is March 12th. 4.People get together to plant trees. Where is Jack? He is absent because he is sick. 5.Jack is absent. 6. He is sick. Combination. 1.Sentences1and 2: It is our classroom where we study. 2.Sentences3and 4: Today is March 12th when people get together to plant trees. 3.Sentences5and 6: He gave me the reason why Jack was absent. Task1. Presentation. I. Analyze. 1. It is our classroom (where )we study. attributive clause antecedent relative adverb( adverbial ) (先行词) (关系副词) 2. Today is March 12th (when) people get together to plant trees. antecedent relative adverb(adverbial) 3. He gave me the reason (why) Jack was absent. antecedent relative adverb(adverbial ) Another way to say these sentences: 1. It is our class room where/ in which we study. 2. Today is March 12th when/ on which people get together to plant trees. 3. He gave me the reason why/for which Jack was absent. II.找出先行词和关系副词. 1. The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometers away. 2. However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. 3. The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest. 4. The places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Africa. ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— _____ ——— ——— Task2. Conclusion. 关系副词 或介词加关系代词 表示 在成分从句充当的成分 When in/__/during …+which Where in/ + which Why for+ which 时间 状语 地点 原因 状语 状语 on at Task 3 Test yourself! I. Fill in the blanks. 最近我去了我出生的那个小镇。杰克没能去的原因是 他错过了火车。我永远不会忘记我们在小镇上一起玩耍的那段时间。 I recently went to the town ________________ I was born. The reason _____________Jack didn’t come was that he missed the train. I will never forget the time _____________we had fun with each other


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