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阿里巴巴合伙人制度对我国公司法的影响;一 阿里巴巴香阿里巴巴香港上市始末港上市始末 ;1、2007年11月6日,对于阿里巴巴来说,是一个新的发展起点。其B2B业务成功在香港主板上市,开盘价30港元。 2、2012年2月,阿里巴巴集团正式向其子公司B2B董事会提出私有化邀约,并于6月20日下午从香港联交所撤销上市地位。马云则回应称,只有着眼于未来才能有美好明天。局部的小调整已经没有办法对B2B进行根本性的完善。将阿里巴巴私有化可让阿里集团免于承受拥有上市子公司所需面临的压力,能够制定对客户最有利的长远规划。此时马云已开始着手为阿里巴巴的上市做准备, ;3、2013年7月23日,有传闻称阿里巴巴集团已经聘请高盛作为上市保荐人,并向港交所递交上市申请。阿里巴巴集团首席执行官陆兆禧与香港媒体见面时表示,阿里集团一直为上市做充分准备,但目前仍没有具体时间表。上市地点也尚未确定,香港和美国均是很好的选择。 4、2013年8月18日,据《华尔街日报》报道称,阿里巴巴正与港交所就所有权一事进行商谈,正在探讨以“创新的方式”确保阿里巴巴的主要所有者对公司有着一定控制。 ; ;Why choose Hongkong ;Two is regulatory issues. In the past two years, the United States has been listed in the stock market was troubled by regulatory issues. According to bankers, the Alibaba group does not want to go to the U.S. market is one of the main reasons, in order to avoid a heavy burden on the regulatory and accounting standards. One banker pointed out that this is a dignity for a large Chinese enterprises, Alibaba is reluctant to submit so much internal information to the U.S. regulatory authorities to review. ;Why quit Hongkong ;For any will be regarded as exemption to the Alibaba, which does not need to comply with the listing rules change, the Commission will be rejected, including allowing Alibaba to take the partnership proposal listed. Hongkong Securities Regulatory Commission and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee had already made it clear that the company will not provide an exemption for any company, because the current listing system in Hongkong, not allowed to give special treatment to certain shareholders. ;二 阿里巴巴转向美国上市;Alibaba listed in the US;Comment from China Daily; Hong Kong regulators rejected Alibaba‘s IPO because of the firm’s special request to keep a shareholder structure which would have allowed a group of top managers and founders to nominate and control the company‘s board of directors. Alibaba said that, should circumstances permit in the future, it will work towards toward extending its public status in China’s capital market in order to



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