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煤焦油深加工加氢工艺 姚明明 012级 指导教师:高和军 摘 要:煤焦油是煤在高温干馏和气化过程中的副产品,由于其在煤液化过程中总是产生大量的刺激性气味、生成副产品属于黑色或黑褐色粘稠状液体,占据在整个炼焦干煤的3%-4%,化合物主要是由O、N、S组成。煤焦油属于煤炭化的副产品.我国煤焦油的加工除约2/3通过蒸馏、结晶和精制等工艺提取萘、酚、蒽、苊、吲哚、联苯等化工产品外,其余均作为粗燃料代替重油直接烧掉,而煤焦油的直接燃烧会产生大量的SO和NO,造成严重的环境污染。煤焦油的产量随着我国煤炭化工产业的发展而急剧增长,若进行直接填埋处理会造成资源的极大浪费,也会对生态环境造成严重的危害。在对煤焦油的开发利用过程中,出现了中低温煤焦油加氢技术,能将煤焦油转化成洁净的燃料以解决煤焦油回收利用问题并能为缓解能源危机做出巨大贡献。 关键词:煤焦油;预处理;加氢裂化 Deep processing of coal tar hydrogenation process Mingming Yao Applied Chemistry Educatian,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Grade 2012 Instructor: Hejun Gao Abstract:Coal tar is a byproduct of coal gasification and high-temperature carbonization process, since it is always a large amount of the odor in the coal liquefaction process, byproducts generated belongs to a black or dark brown viscous liquid, occupying the entire dry coking coal 3 % to 4%, compound mainly by O, N, S components. Coal tar by-product of coal belonging. Processing of coal tar extract in addition to about 2/3 of naphthalene, phenol, anthracene, acenaphthylene, indole, biphenyl and other chemical products through distillation, crystallization and refining and other processes, the rest are used as raw fuel burned directly instead of heavy oil, and coal direct burning tar will produce large amounts of SO and NO, causing serious environmental pollution. with the development of Chinas coal chemical industry and the rapid growth of production of coal tar, if direct landfill disposal will result in a great waste of resources, will the ecological environment causing serious harm. In the development and utilization of coal tar, the emergence of low temperature coal tar hydrogenation technology, coal tar can be converted into clean fuel in order to solve the problem of coal tar recycling and energy to make a significant contribution to alleviate the energy crisis. Key words:coal tar; pretreatment; hydrocracking 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 1 绪 论 2 1 煤焦油 3 1.1煤焦油性质 3 1.2沥青性质 3 2 加氢裂化 3 2.1加氢裂化开车方案 3 2.2加氢裂化定义 4


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