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Chapter 4 Project Scale and Product Scheme Maxcy-Silberston Curve 马克西-西尔伯斯通曲线 Project Scale Selection 建设规模选择 Economic scale VS. Economies of scale Method of scale choice Issues Influencing the project scale Economy scale 经济规模 Project scale, production capacity, is the designated capacity the project could possibly reach during its normal operation Economies of scale 规模经济 Benefits gain because of the lower cost per unit of output when increasing the scale of production Method of Scale Choice 确定建设规模的方法 确定起始规模 确定最大规模 确定合理规模 最小费用法 A=C+S+I×Ed 投资收益率法 投资收益率=收益额/投资额 Issues Influencing the Project Scale 确定建设规模需考虑的因素 Economical reasonability 合理经济规模 By concerning the conditions of project, reaching the reasonable economic scale once or by stages Market capacity 市场容量 Market volume capacity Target market Potential market share Environment capacity 环境容量 Natural environment which is a must and also available to the proposed project External condition 外部条件 Fund Raw material Major external cooperation Product Scheme Selection 产品方案选择 A combination of major product, subsidiary product, of by-product, when studying a proposed multi-product 乙烯工程建设规模与产品方案 建设规模 主要从裂解原料供应、产品市场容量、经济效益、投资额度和筹资能力等方面对两建设方案:60万吨/年和90万吨/年规模进行分析和比选。 从裂解原料就近供应方面看,60万吨/年规模比较适宜; 从市场容量看,两种规模都无问题; 从经济效益看,90万吨/年规模优于60万吨/年; 从筹资能力看,90万吨/年难于60万吨/年规模。 综合考虑上述因素,确定本项目的建设规模为60万吨/年乙烯、50万吨/年低密度聚乙烯、16/21.5万吨/年丙烯酸及酯、25万吨/年丁辛醇四套生产装置以及必要的公用工程和辅助生产设施等 产品方案 * * * * * * * Demonstrate and choose a project scale and a combination of major and subsidiary product Project scale selection Product scheme selection 500 1000 10 50 100 200 400 1000 千辆 英镑 单位产品成本 划分标准 产品生产能力 装机容量或设备数量 固定资产原值 规模经济 QE QE1 QE2 固定成本 规模不经济 规模不经济 销售收入 总成本 收入或成本 规模(产量) 0 起始规模产量=固定成本/(产品单价-单位可变成本 -单位税金-单位产品利润) 项目的最大生产能力,由影响生产规模的制约因素决定


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