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Commonwealth Secretariat
Finance Ministers Meeting
Washington DC, USA, 7-8 October 20 10
Provisional Agenda Item 5 FMM(10)(O)5
7 OCTOBER 2010
The G20’s Work on Financial Inclusion*
Commonwealth Secretariat
Marlborough House
London SW1Y 5HX
September 2010
* Paper prepared by Australia as co-Chair - with Brazil - of the G20 Access Through Innovation Sub-Group of
the G20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the position of the
Commonwealth Secretariat or member Governments of the Commonwealth.
1. The Commonwealth has long been associated with the international efforts to promote
wider and deeper access to banking services and finance, by the poor and by micro-, small
and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Efforts have been broad-ranging and within the
Commonwealths areas of comparative advantage. This has included support for micro-
enterprise development; work to build the foundations for effective access, including
promoting financial literacy programmes among Commonwealth members in Africa, the
Caribbean and the Pacific; and applying Commonwealth advocacy to raise and emphasise the
importance of deepening and widening access to finance, particularly for the poorest and
most vulnerable members of the Commonwealth and its citizenry. A recent illustration has
been the joint Commonwealth/Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
submission to G20 members in the lead up to the G20 Toronto Summit in July this year,
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