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Business course training program;Contents;【Species of perfume】;;Middle notes(中调): The middle note compounds form the heart or main body of a perfume and act to mask the often unpleasant initial impression of base notes, which become more pleasant with time. ;Base notes(后调): The base and middle notes together are the main theme of a perfume. Base notes bring depth and solidity to a perfume. ;制造香水的工艺过程: 预处理, 混合, 陈化, 冷冻, 过滤, 调色, 产品检验, 装瓶; In order to improve personal taste and cope with different social occasions, many woman even man start to use perfume.;Spraying methods; 1、探病或就诊   用淡香水比较好,以免影响医生和病人。 1, visit the sick, or see a doctor With weak perfume is better, lest affect patients and doctors.   ;2、参加严肃会议   千万不要用浓香水 2、serious meetings do not use strong perfume; 3、工作时间   切忌个性强烈的香水。   3, working time Avoid by all means personality strong perfume.;4、宴会   香水涂抹在腰部以下是基本的礼貌。过浓的香水会影响食物的味道,可能会减低食欲。 4, party perfume on below the waist is the basic courtesy. Too thick perfume will affect the taste of food, may reduce appetite.; 5、婚礼   这种喜洋洋的场合,香氛可以倍增喜气。白天可以选择淡香水,晚上则可选择浓香水。 5, wedding The jubilant occasions, sweet atmosphere can multiply beaming. During the day can choose weak perfume, can choose a good water at night.  ; 6、约会   选用柑橘水果和苔类香草为原料的香水,内含有令人增添吸引力和荷尔蒙成份。 6, date selection of citrus fruits and liverwort vanilla as a raw material of perfume, contains an attractive and hormonal ingredients.;7、雨天   潮湿的空气会让香气在水区域内弥散,选用淡香水为宜。 Rain damp air will let aroma dispersion in water area, it is advisable to choose weak perfume. ;8, outdoor sports and shopping are easy to sweat, sweat mixed with perfume together always let people stay at a respectful distance from sb, then to choose soft or motile perfume   8、户外   运动和逛街都易流汗,汗水与香水味混合在一起总会让人敬而远之,这时要选用无酒精香水或运动型香水。 ; 9、睡眠   薰衣草或玫瑰香油有改善睡眠质量的功效,临睡前,在枕下少涂一点儿,一晚香梦随之而来。 9、sleep . lavender or rose scented oil have effect to improve the sleep quality, before bed, under the pillow with a little less, a night swee


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