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·118· 传染病信息  2017年4月30日  第30卷  第2期  Infect Dis Info, Vol. 30, No. 2, April 30, 2017 AIDS 合并非结核分枝杆菌肺病的诊治进展 黄 葵,李 勇     [摘要] 近年来,随着 AIDS 的流行及实验室检测技术的进步,非结核分枝杆菌(Nontuberculous mycobacteria, NTM )肺 病的发病率呈增多趋势。NTM 肺病已成为 AIDS 患者常见的机会性感染及死亡原因之一。AIDS 合并 NTM 肺病临床表现不 典型,影像学无特异性,诊断困难,需要结合临床表现、体格检查和辅助检查结果来进行综合分析。提高对该病的认识,尽 早诊治,是降低该病病死率的关键。加强对 NTM 鉴定和分型技术研究以及治疗方案优化是今后发展的方向和重点。     [关键词] 艾滋病;非结核分枝杆菌肺病;诊断;治疗     [中国图书资料分类号] R512.91;R378.91    [文献标志码] A    [文章编号] 1007-8134(2017)02-0118-04      DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8134.2017.02.013 Progress in diagnosis and treatment of AIDS complicated with Nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease * HUANG Kui , LI Yong   Infectious Disease Department, The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Longtan Hospital, Liuzhou 545005, China   *Corresponding author, E-mail: huangkui2@   [Abstract] With the prevalence of AIDS and the development of the laboratory diagnosis in recent years, the incidence of Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) lung disease has gradually increased. NTM lung disease has become one of the common opportunistic infections and causes of death in the patients with AIDS. Usually, it is difficult to diagnose AIDS complicated with NTM lung disease due to its atypical clinical manifestations and non-specific imaging characteristics. Therefore, the comprehensive analysis of the results of clinical manifestations, physical examination and auxiliary examination is in need. The improvement of the understanding and early diagnosis and treatment of the disease are the keys to reduce its mortality. To strengthen the NTM identification and genotyping techniques research and to optimize the treatment plan will be the direction and key of its future development.   [Key words] AIDS; Nontubercul


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