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檀香扇欣赏Fan appreciation 折扇 Folding Fan 折扇简介 profile 一般说来,折扇是一种日用品,主要的原材料是竹、纸等。折扇携带方便,出入怀袖,扇面书画,是文人雅士的最爱。 Generally speaking, folding fan is a kind of commodity, the main raw material is bamboo, paper, etc. Folding fan, easy to carry out his sleeve, sector calligraphy and painting, is a favorite of literati. 折扇的代表类型(Typical fan) 扇面以其本身材料,加工和装饰来分,有纸扇面和绢扇面两大类。 纸扇 (paper fan) 绢扇 (silk fan) 折扇 与 书画艺术 古往今来,许多文人骚客在扇面上留下的题诗、书法和绘画,备受人们的珍爱和收藏,由此而繁衍出来的另一种传统的艺术形式———扇面书画。 Through the ages ,many men of literature and writing had been living poetry、calligraphy and traditional chinese painting in the fans.Therefore,the phenomenon can develop into a genre of colorful fan-art. 扇面画常用的题材有仕女、山水、花鸟鱼虫以及诗词书法艺术等。 扇面 之 花鸟虫鱼 (flower and painting) 扇面之 山水仕女 (landscapes and meticulous ladies ) 扇面之 人物故事(the charaters and the story) 扇面之 诗词书法(poetry and calligraphy) 编织扇 Braided fan 一、蒲葵扇 二、四川竹丝扇 三、新会织扇 四、浦江麦秆扇 种类(classification) 蒲葵扇 四川竹丝扇 新会织扇 浦江麦秆扇 蒲葵扇(Palmetto Fan) 用蒲葵叶制成的扇。俗称蒲扇,亦称“葵扇”“芭蕉扇”。 中国扇子 扇子,在中国已经有了四、五千年的历史了,是中华民族文化的代表产物。 Fan in China ,with a long history of four or five thousand years, is a product representative of Chinese national culture. 诸葛亮 铁扇公主 济公 一、扇子的历史(History) 扇子最早出现在商代,用五光十色的野鸡毛制成,称之为“障扇”。当时,扇子是作为帝王外出巡视时遮阳挡风避沙之用。 The fan first appeared in the Shang Dynasty, made the resplendent with variegated coloration pheasant feather, called disabled. 一、扇子的历史(History) 战国晚期开始,扇子开始在民间流行。当时扇子多为禽类羽毛制成,故称“羽扇”,多在贵族阶层中使用。 The late warring states period, the fan started in folk pop. When the fan for more poultry feathers, therefore calls feather fan, used in the aristocracy. 一、扇子的历史(History) 东汉过后出现了很多种扇子,许多扇子因为小巧受到当时仕女的喜爱。 After the eastern han dynasty appeared a lot of kinds of fans, many fans won ladies love for their delicate size. 一、扇


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