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眼的组织解剖 眼球 眼眶及眼附属器 视路 眼部血管和神经 视神经 120万神经节细胞轴突-神经纤维, 全长40 mm 眼内段 眶内段 管内段 颅内段 (视盘---视交叉前脚) 视交叉 鼻侧交叉 颞侧不交叉 视束 外侧膝状体 大脑脚外侧 卵圆形 换神经元 视放射 视皮质 大脑枕叶皮质Brodman分区17 18 19 距状裂上下唇和枕叶纹状区 每侧与双眼同侧一半的视网膜相关联 眼的组织解剖 眼部血管和神经 眼部 动脉 颈内动脉—眼动脉—视网膜中央动脉、睫状血管 颈外动脉—面动脉 视网膜中央血管系统 分颞上、下,鼻上下。供应视网膜内5层、视神经表面神经纤维。黄斑区由颞上下供应,中心凹脉络膜毛细 睫状血管系统 睫状后短A 形成脉络膜毛细血管网,供视网膜外五层、筛板 睫状后长A 营养睫状体、虹膜、脉络膜前部 睫状前A 营养巩膜,与睫状后长形成虹膜大环 静脉 CRV 涡V 睫状前V 海绵窦 颈外 V 神经 睫状神经节和鼻睫神经 1.鼻睫神经: 睫状长:分布角膜、虹膜、睫状体,及瞳孔开大肌。 神经节长根 睫状短神经:虹膜及睫状体内,缩瞳。 滑车下、筛前、筛后 2.睫状神经节 长根:来自鼻睫,眼的感觉。交感瞳孔开大肌。 短根:运动,来自动眼神经,支配睫状肌、瞳孔括约肌 交感根:支配眼的血管收缩。 The oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) Maxillary division of cranial nerve V Maxillary division of cranial nerve V Superior branches of the ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V and the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) The ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V, which is the origin of the nasociliary nerve Autonomic supply to the lacrimal gland 总 结 角膜的结构 房水的循环和功能 眼肌功能 神经支配 * Vitreous obtained at autopsy from a 9-month-old child. The sclera, choroid, and retina were dissected off the vitreous, which remains attached to the anterior segment. A band of gray tissue can be seen posterior to the ora serrata. This is neural retina that was firmly adherent to the vitreous base and could not be dissected without damaging the underlying vitreous. Owing to the young age of the donor, the corpus vitreus is almost entirely gel. Thus, although situated on a surgical towel and exposed to room air, the vitreous is solid and maintains its shape. (Courtesy of the New England Eye and Tissue Transplant Bank, Boston, MA.) Copyright ?2000 W.B. Saunders Company * Angular relationships of the orbit. * Gland and drainage anatomy


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