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255 V o l. 39 No . 1
2011 1 Computer D ig ital Eng ineer ing 121
1) , 2) 3)
珺 珺
1) 2)
( 430079) ( 4 3007 1)
( 4 30010)
, ,
T P393
Research on Computer Network Information Security
and Protection Strategy
Pe ng J un 1) , 2) G ao J un3)
( Scho ol of Inf or m ation M anagem ent , W uh an U niver sity1) , W uh an 430079)
( Edit orial Boar d of G eosp atial I nf o rm ation2) , W uhan 430071)
( Bureau of H ydro lo gy , Ch angjiang Water Reso urces Co mm ission3) , Wuhan 4300 10)
Abstract A long w ith the rap id developm ent of netw or k, t he netw or k inf o rm atio n saf ety is becom ing mor e and mor e at
tentio n. Based on the analysis o f netw ork inf or m ation saf ety f acto rs, and then put f o rw ard f ive kinds o f commo n comput er
netw or k inf o rm ation saf et y prot ection strateg y, and the developm ent of the net w o rk inf o rm atio n saf et y w as pro spected and
f orm ed the netw or k inf orm at ion saf et y pro tect ion system .
Key Words computer netw or k, netw ork inf ormation security, security threat s, preventive measur es, safely pr otection system
Class Number T P393
Int ernet ,
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