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人生就像糖果铺,那里有各种各样的糖果,它们形状千奇百怪,颜色五彩缤纷——然而,它们无一不是由同一种糖浆做成。 大千世界如同变幻莫测的万花筒一般,每出现一次新的画面都深深地吸引了你的注意,其实,你所看见的不过是你从前看过的老一套。 在大学教授与独立不羁的学者之间,自古以来就彼此对立,这种对立或许能够比作狼与狗之间的那种势不两立。 获得教授职位的人,可以说是在畜舍的小隔栏里取食,这种方法最适宜于反刍动物。 就像我们对某种化石植物的印象与春天里的茂密旺盛的植物有关一样,也应把我们从书本中了解的观点与我们自己头脑中萌生的思想结合起来。 那些单纯读书并从书本中获取智慧的人,很像通过许多旅游者的描绘取了解一个国家状况的人。 Fame is something that must be won. Honor is something that must not be lost. 声名须得博取;荣誉不可丧失。 He who does not enjoy solitude will not love freedom. 人不好孤独,不会爱自由。 A mans face as a rule says more, and more interesting things, than his mouth, for it is a compendium of everything his mouth will ever say, in that it is the monogram of all this mans thoughts and aspirations. 一般而言,和嘴相比,一个人的脸说得更多,因为脸把他的嘴会说的任何事情都提纲携领地做了交代,在那个提纲中的是这个人的思想和热望的点点滴滴。 A person should never try to purchase pleasure at the cost of pain, or even at the risk of incurring it. 一个人永远也不要以痛苦为代价,甚至以导致痛苦为代价,去购买快乐。 All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. 任何真理都经过三个阶段:第一,它受人奚落;第二,它遭到猛烈的反对;第三,它被当作自明的东西被接受了。 Compassion is the basis of all morality. 同情是一切道德的基础。 Every nation ridicules other nations, and all are right. 每个国家都嘲笑其他国家,全部的国家嘲笑得都对。 Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world. 每个人都把自己眼界的局限当成世界的局限。 Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see. 有才能的人击中一个靶子,没人能击中;天才击中一个靶子,没人能看见。 The memory should be specially taxed in youth, since it is then that it is strongest and most tenacious. But in choosing the things that should be committed to memory the utmost care and forethought must be exercised; as lessons well learnt in youth are never forgotten. 青年人的记忆力应该得到特别的重用,因为那时的记忆最强,也最持久。但在挑选应该被记住的东西的时候,必得深思熟虑,也得有先见之明;年轻时学得的课程,一生难忘。 叔本华对费希特、谢林和黑格尔的蔑视 “我反对和费希特这个人相关的任何东西,正如康德也是这样公开而清楚地反对他。……黑格尔之流的笨伯们,可以继续说什么费希特-康德哲学:有一个康德哲学,也有一个费希特胡话。”[The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, p.120.] “……谢林的著作,满篇都是吵闹和辱骂的声音,那都