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第一章 What is Money 第一章 What is Money 什么是货币 一、 Economists Meaning of 一、 Economists Meaning of Money Money 1. Basic Definition Money is anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services and for the repayment of debts, as a matter of social custom. 在商品或劳务的支付中或债务的偿还中被普遍 接受的任何东西 Notes: Notes: It follows that money is defined more by its function (what purposes it serves) than by its form (coin, paper, gold bars, etc.). 货币的定义更多地是根据它的功能,而不是它 的形式. the stress on generally accepted“ 强调“被普遍接受” Money ,wealth, and income Money ,wealth, and income The wealth of an agent at any given point in time is t current market value of the total collection of assets currently owned by that agent. Money holdings migh constitute part of an agent‘s wealth 。 财富指经济主体在某个时点上拥有的各种资产的 价值,货币也是持有财富的一种方式. income period of time. 收入是经济主体某段特定时间内积累的财富价值. stock variable , flow variable stock variable , flow variable Money ,wealth stock variables 存量 income flow variable 流量 2 Historical forms of money 2 Historical forms of money Commodity money 商品货币 Fiat money不兑现纸币 Electronic money 电子货币 – Debit cards (EC card, ATM card) – Stored-value card (“money card”) – Electronic cash/checks Are we moving to a cashless society? 我们会走向无现金社会吗? 3.马克思的定义 3.马克思的定义 货币是商品交换中起一般等价物作用的 特殊商品。 货币的出现与商品交换联系在一起。价 值形式的发展与货币的产生:简单价值 形式——扩大价值形式——一般价值形 式—货币 比较 比较 两种理论关于货币起源的共同点: A 、货币产生于商品交换 B 、商品交换经历了由物物交换向媒介交 易的转化 两种理论关于货币起源的不同点: 马克思:劳动价值论 西方经济学:交易成本理论 二 、Functions of Money货币的功能 二 、Functions of Money货币的功能 1. Medium of Exchange交易媒介职能 An generally accepted means of payment


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