
04语法3形容词 (2).pptVIP

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2. 有些以-able, -ible结尾的形容词做表语时有被动含义,在表达这类意义时汉语多用“可+动词”或“受+动词”形式。 c. And the Northern and Western hills are visible to people in the open streets. 从宽阔的大街上可以看见北山和西山。 d. The latest software still is vulnerable to this kind of virus. 必威体育精装版的软件还是易受此类病毒的攻击。 3. 如果英语形容词做状语,可以考虑译成动词短语。 a. I thought 1 heard crying, so I got out of bed, curious. 听到哭声,(出于好奇心)我就起身下床,心想这是怎么回事。 b.He was up again at once, breathless and pale. 他马上又爬起来,气喘吁吁,面色灰白。 c. The two boys flew on and on, toward the village, speechless with horror. 两个孩子由于恐惧,一言不发,只顾朝着村庄飞快地跑啊跑。 汉译英时的变化: 1. 使用介词短语 a. 一个经济文化落后的发展中大国 a large developing country with backward economy and culture 2. 使用同位语 b. 1996年,世界上海拔最高的现代化的、多功能的大型图书馆西藏自治区图书馆建成开馆。 In 1996, the large, modern and multi-functional Tibet Autonomous Region Library, the worlds highest in altitude, was completed and opened to the public. 3. 使用定语从句 c.关系国民经济命脉和国家安全的大型国有企业和基础设施 large state-owned enterprises and infrastructure that have a vital bearing on the lifeline of the national economy and state security 多个形容词顺序: 在汉语里,形容词短语中音节少的修饰成分往往靠近被修饰词, 译成英语时,可以考虑语义上的近疏关系,将语义关系较远的修饰成分往前移 ,如: d.我们要把祖国建设成社会主义的现代化强国。 We will turn our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country. e.推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。 to promote the establishment of a fair and rational new international political and economic order 4. 在英译汉时,多重定语形容词的位置有时需要微调,如: f. a senior American military official 一位美军高级军官 g. the largest land-based intercontinental ballistic missile in the history mankind 有史以来最大的路基洲际弹道导弹 h. China does not seek hegemony or predominance in world affairs. It advocates a new international political and economic order. 中国不寻求霸权或支配世界事务,而是倡导建立国际政治经济新秩序。 * a ) The men present were his supporters . 在场的人是他的支持者。 b ) The people involved were not found · 有牵连的人没有找到。 c ) The house ablaze is next door to mine · 那栋着火的房子跟我家是隔壁。 * 1.Do you know the name of that ____________insect? A.funny, little, red, mosquito-like little, funny, mosquito-like, red red, little, fun


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