【志鸿优化设计】2014年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版.doc

【志鸿优化设计】2014年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版.doc

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【志鸿优化设计】2014年秋九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Selfcheck教案 人教新目标版

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes. Self check 教学目标 1.加深对目标语言的理解与运用。 2.掌握本单元的重点词汇并灵活运用。 教学重点 1.能灵活运用本单元所学的单词及短语。 2.掌握谓语动词的被动结构及用法。 3.提高学生的阅读能力。 教学难点 1.用自己的语言进行书面表达。 2.用谓语动词的主动及被动结构造句。 教学过程 Step 1:Lead-in 1.让学生谈论一些家规、校规。 2.让学生对这些规章制度发表自己的看法, 同时说明理由。 Step 2:Revision 首先, 通过投影, 展示出以下三个话题, 让一学生大声朗读以便吸引大家的注意力。 Should Peter be allowed to take the test later? Does students need strict rules? Should parents be too strict with teenagers? 接着, 让学生以小组为单位对这三个话题进行讨论, 要求每位学生都发表自己的观点。 学生可用以下的模式进行对话: A:I think Peter should... B:I dont agree. C:I think... 最后, 让两到三组学生展示讨论结果。(鼓励学生勇于表达自己的真实观点和想法。) Step 3:Self check 1 1.让学生阅读所给的单词与句子, 并用所给词的正确形式填空, 保持主谓一致, 时态正确, 搭配正确。 2.让学生分别读出完整的句子, 核对答案。 (1)allowed (2)finish (3)clean up (4)choose (5)needs 3.让学生用所给词造句, 以加深理解。总结谓语动词的主动及被动语态的用法。 4.教师可为学生提供本单元的一些重点单词和词组, 如:pierce, instead of, stay up, concentrate on, at present等, 让学生用这些单词或词组造句, 进一步加强学生对单词运用能力的训练。教师可为学生提供一些帮助。如: The girl got/had her ears pierced this morning. ... Step 4:Self check 2 1.让学生速读短文, 找出短文中的生词及难点。 2.让学生再次阅读短文, 理清短文所谈到的几件事情, 同时, 找出短文中的被动结构。 3.让学生用一张白纸给Editor写信, 表达自己的态度, 并且说出原因。 Step 5:Homework 让学生描述一次上学迟到的经历。 【话题链接】 美国学生守则 1.Always refer to a teacher by title(职位, 头衔)and last name. 2.Get to class on time or a little earlier. 3.Raise your hand when you want to ask a question. 4.You may speak to the teacher from your desk while you are seated. 5.When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed.Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work. 6.If you expect to be away from school because of an emergency(紧急事情), tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss. 7.All assignments you hand in must be your own work. 8.Never cheat in a test. 9.If you are having difficulty with a class, schedule an appointment(约会)to see the teacher for mid-day crisis(午间危机) help.The teacher will be glad to help you. 10.Students must bring a note from a parent explaining any absence(缺席)or tardiness(迟到). 11.The only acceptable excuses for absence are p



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