【课堂新坐标】2014秋高中英语(目标分析+方案设计+自主导学)Unit 2 Period Ⅳ Using Language课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

【课堂新坐标】2014秋高中英语(目标分析+方案设计+自主导学)Unit 2 Period Ⅳ Using Language课件 新人教版必修5.ppt

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如何写好导游词 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游人员同游客交流思想、向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作的文体之一。 一篇完整的导游词,一般包括下面三个部分: 1.见面时的问候语 主要表达对游客的问候、欢迎,游览注意事项和对游客的希望等方面,放在导游词的最前面。常见的表达方式有: ①Hello,my dear visitors.Welcome to... ②Its so nice to meet you here! ③I feel it a great honour to be your tour guide today. ④Id like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction about... 2.景点介绍 景点介绍包括旅游景点的位置、范围、地位、意义、历史、现状和发展前景等,目的是帮助旅游者对景点有个总体了解,引起游览兴趣。常见的表达方式有: ①It was built in...so it had a very long history. ②It is located/situated...,with an area of... ③It has become the most popular tourist attraction since... ④With its pleasant climate,rich natural resources and picturesque scenery,...is one of Chinas major tourist cities. 3.结束语 结束语包括感谢语、惜别语、征求意见语、致歉语和祝愿语等方面,放在导游词的最后面。常见的表达方式有: ①Please allow me, then, take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding. ②Wish you have a good time and enjoy yourself. ③Thanks again for listening.Have a good time! 【答案】 1.be/lie/stand/be situated/be located 2.above sea level 3.attract visitors/impress visitors 4.run across 5.be well-known for/be famous for 6.from all over the world 7.impress sb.with sth.=impress sth.on sb. 8.sunrise and sunset 4.泰山最为著名的就是神奇的日出和日落景观。 Mount Tai its wonderful sunrise and sunset. 【答案】 1.is/lies/stands/is situated/is located;stretching 2.attracted;majestic 3.Each season here has its beauty. 4.is most famous for/is best-known for 【参考范文】  Mount Tai is situated in central Shandong Province,stretching over 200 kilometers.It is the center of the five Taoist Sacred Mountains. North of the city of Taian stands Mount Tais highest peak,rising to 1,545 meters above sea level.This mountain impresses visitors with its majestic and steep appeal,its summit Yuhuangding overlooking the surrounding valleys and dangerous peaks. Each season here has its beauty:bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring,blue rivers running across the mountain with red maple leaves in fall.Mount Tai is most famous for



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