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中国地质大学(武汉)高等教育自学考试 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目: 中国传统文化与月饼包装设计 姓 名: 准考证号: 院 (系) 湖北科技职业学院 专 业: 艺术设计 指导老师: 职 称: 评 阅 人: 职 称: 2013 年 5 月 论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的本科毕业论文《基于情感回归在产品设计中人情化体现研究》,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。论文中引用他人的文献、资料均已明确注出,论文中的结论和结果为本人独立完成,不包含他人成果及使用过的材料。对论文的完成提供过帮助的有关人员已在文中说明并致以谢意。 本人所呈交的本科毕业论文没有违反学术道德和学术规范,没有侵权行为,并愿意承担由此而产生的法律责任和法律后果。 论文作者(签字): 日期:  年  月  日 摘 要 随着物质资料的极大丰富,生活节奏的日益加快,人们对精神上满足感的需求也变的愈加紧迫。情感作为人与人交流的重要通道,在各种艺术和文学形式中都得到了最广泛的研究和讨论,同时,也引发了对产品设计的再度思考:现代产品设计应当是一种关乎情感的活动,而不是发展初期简单的物质造型过程,从一定意义上讲就是物质情感化的过程。当代的设计师们应当在设计中充分考虑到情感因素的影响,把握情感定位,关注设计沟通环节。??? bstract Along with the material of material enriched, life rhythm speed up day by day, the people to the needs of the spiritual satisfaction has become even more urgent.As the emotionacommunication between people important channel, in a variety of art and form of literature have been the most extensive research and discussion, meanwhile, have also led to a product design thinking again: modern product design should be a kind of emotional about the activities, rather than in the early development of simple material modelling process, in a certain sense is material emotional process. Contemporary designers in the design shall give due consideration to the emotional factors, grasp the emotional positioning, pay attention to the design communication links. People in and the products of the emotional communication, to strengthen their desire to have the product, must be in practical while attention appearance innovation, and products as home to useful products also add life interest should reflect the function, thus humanized in product design is very necessary and important factors. Digital products is current market carried on the detailed investigation, digital products as contain desi


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