河北省唐山市曹妃甸区第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do Section A(1a-4)导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

河北省唐山市曹妃甸区第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do Section A(1a-4)导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc

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河北省唐山市曹妃甸区第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 What would you do Section A(1a-4)导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

Unit 4 What would you do Section A(1a-4) 【学习目标】.及的用法。 【使用说明】 一、自学1.浏览Section A (1a—),通读Grammar Focus至少2遍用笔标出重点和自己做不理解的地方 重点单词二、正课1.课前检测 (4′) 2.课题解读与听力(9′)3.导学案探究释疑。(14′)4.学以致用(9′) 5.整理巩固(4′) 【知识点拨】 1. if 条件句 真实条件句:表示在假设的条件下,某种能够实现的情况。用法: “主将从现” 即主句将来时,从句用一般现在时。 例句:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go for a picnic.虚拟条件句:用来描述说话人认为与事实相反的内容,或仅是一种假设,愿望,猜测,建议等。用法:例句:If I got rich, I would travel around the world.如果我有钱了,我将周游世界。 What would you do if you had one million dollars? 假如你有一百万美元,你会怎么办?   (1.)if you had one million dollars是一个虚拟语气的非真实条件句,表示与现在事实不同或者相反的假设,中的be的过去式一般用were。  例如:If I had time, I would go there with you. 如果我有时间的话,我会和你一起去那里。 If he ___ there at that time, he ___ help us. A. was; will B. were; would C. was; would  D. is; would I _____(be)you , I ___________ (take ) the chance. 2. million 百万 hundred 百 thousand 千 前面有具体数字的时候 用单数形式, 前面没有具体数字的时候 用复数形式 后面加 of 如, five hundred 500 , seven million 七百万 millions of… 数百万的。。。 hundreds of… 数以百计的…. thousands of …. 成千上万的。。 3. medical research 医学研究 4.what if …. ? 如果… 将会怎么样? 后面从句的时态 用一般现在时 What if he doesn’t come tomorrow? 如果他明天不来会怎么样? What if he ________(know) the result? 5. give money to charity 把钱捐献给慈善机构 put money in the bank 存钱到银行 6.What would you do if you + 过去式 + 其他? 如果你…, 你会做什么? 7. I don’t know what to wear. 我不知该穿什么。 What 是疑问词, 疑问词后面的动词用不定式。 He didn’t know how _________( memorize ) so many English words in such short time. 8. else 别的 其他的, 只能放在 疑问词what where when who和不定代词 ----thing , ----body 的后面 What else 别的什么东西 who else 别人 where else 别的地方 when else 别的地方 Something else 别的东西 9.If I were you, I would + 动词原形 + 其它 如果我是你, 我会… If I were you , I would go there at once. If I were you , I would take the train to Hongkong. 10. introduce 介绍 introduce sb to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 Now let me introduce myself to you, 现在让我做一下自我介绍 11. I don’t know what to say or do. 我不知道该说什么该做什么。 12. get nervous 紧张 系动词后面接形容词get nervous 变得紧张feel shy 觉得害羞look friendly 看起来友好 get pimples 出疙瘩 13. help



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