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第4 卷 第1 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 V ol14 No11 2004 年3 月 Journal of T r affic and T ransportation Engineer ing Mar . 2004 : 167 1- 1637( 2004 0 1-00 11- 04 EPS 葛折圣, 黄晓明 ( , 2 10096 : 通过离心模型试验, 研究了EPS( Ex panded Polyst yrene 夹层 及/ 夹层+ 格栅0 结构对台背 土压力和差异沉降的影响根据等应变原则对台背结构地基回填材料格栅和夹层材料进行模 拟, 采用 n 为20 的模型比尺进行离心模型试验; 并运用数字图像技术分析了土工格栅的位移与变 形研究发现设置夹层后回填材料对台背的土压力显著减小; 台背与回填材料的差异沉降有所增 加/ 夹层+ 格栅0结构进 一步减小了回填材料对台背的土压力, 桥台与回填材料的差异沉降也比 较小, 格栅所受的拉应力明显变大结果表明夹层的存在非常有利于格栅加筋效果的发挥, / 夹层 + 格栅0 的处理方法更加适用于三背回填的实际工程 : 道路工程; 台背; EPS 夹层; 土工格栅; 土压力; 沉降; 离心模型试验; 数字图像技术 : U4 32 : A Centrifugal modeling test on abutment backfill with EPS inclusion GE Zhe- sheng, HUA N G X iao- ming ( School of T ransportation , Sout heast U niv ersity, Nanjing 210096, China Abstract: T he EPS inclusion w as put into backf ill and abut ment t o reduce soil pressure of abutment back. T he st ruct ure wit h both geog rid reinf orcement and EP S inclusion w as test ed . A ccording t o t he same st rain principle, t he st ruct ures, ground, backf ill, geogrid and EPS inclusion w ere modeled. When t he scale rat io n w as 20 , t he strain of geog rid was studied by digital image analysis technology. It is pointed t hat t he soil pressure of abutment w it h a collapsible inclusion is reduced m arkedly, but t he sett lement of backf ill w ithout geog rid increases. Compared to the former, t he sett lement of t he st ruct ure w it h both reinforcement and collapsible inclusion is much less, and t he stress of g eogrid increases obviously. T he results indicat e that EPS inclusion is beneficial to make f ull use of reinforcement, so


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