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2002 1 2002 No1 2 CHINA CONCRETE AND CEMENT PRODUCTS Febr ary 张亚梅 秦鸿根 孙 伟 郝东明 宁 钟 (, 210096) :, , 、, 。, 2854.6MPa。 :;;;; Abstract :The a roach for the ro ortion desi n of rec cled a re ate concrete is investi ated accordin to the ex erimental st d .It is pp p p g y gg g g g p y s ggested that the proportion of cement, sand and aggregate can be calc lated based on the c rrent proportion design code for ordinary concrete. As re ard to the water content, the water adsor tion of waste concrete a re ate within certain time eriod sho ld also be considered and added to g p gg g p the water content calc lated according to the code for ordinary concrete.In addition, the sing of good q ality fly ash and s perplasticizer can im rove the stren th of rec cled a re ate concrete.The hi hest com ressive stren th of the concrete, inwhich all a re ate is insteaded b waste p g y gg g g p g gg g y concrete aggregate, is p to 54.6MPa at 28days. Ke wods :Waste concrete a re ate ;Rec cled a re ate concrete ;Pro ortion;Workabilit ;Stren th y gg g y gg g p y g :TU528 :A :1000-4637(2002)01-07-03 0 1。 1 。 [1] 3 3 , /mm /(g/cm )/(kg/m ) /% /% 5 ~31.5 2.74 1260 9.13 17.7 , ,


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