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30 2 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学 报 Vol. 30 No. 2
万惠文, 钟祥凰
( , 430070)
: 通过试验研究了各种不同骨料混凝土在高温下的力学性能结果表明, 采用 璃渣做骨料的混凝土其抗高温
性能明显好于采用普通砂石作骨料的混凝土, 在混凝土中掺入适量的PP 纤维, 有利于提高混凝土的抗高温性能; 利用
璃渣配制的混凝土在高温环境下, 由于水分的缺失, 可避免碱- 骨料反应的发生, 而且经济耐久
: 混凝土; 璃渣; 高温性能; 碱- 骨料反应
: T U 528. 041 : A : 1671-4431( 2008) 02- 0037- 04
Research on Performance of Waste- lass-a re ate Concrete at
Elevated Temperature
WA N H ui-w en, ZH ON G X iang-huang
( K ey Labo ato y fo Silicate M ate ials Science and Eng inee ing of M inist y of Education, Wuhan U nive sity
of T echnology, Wuhan 430070, China)
Abstract: M echanic pe fo mance of conc ete with diffe ent kinds of ag g egate w as tested in this study. T he esults showed
that conc ete w ith w aste glass as agg egate had bette pe fo mance than conc ete with no mal sand and g avel as agg egate at el-
ev ated tempe atu e. Addition of polyp opylene fibe s into conc ete imp ov es t he pe fo mance at elevated tempe atu e. Conc ete
with w aste g lass as agg eg ate used at elevated tempe atu e was economical and du able due to the loss of w ate , w hich p evented
the occu ence of alkali-silica eaction.
Key words: co nc ete; waste- glass- ag g egate; pe fo mance at elevated tempe atu e; alkali-silica eaction
, , ,
, , 300 ) 800 e ,
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5 ) 20 mm ,
[ 1- 7]
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, , - , - , 8 ) 10 ,
3 ) 5 1 ,
: 2007- 08- 16.