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37 3
第 卷 第 期 四川建筑科学研究
2011 6 Sichuan Building Science 19 1
年 月
1 1 2 1 1
, , , ,
班明霞 冀鸿飞 苏 刊 严志忠 张 玲
(1. , 610039 ;
西华大学建筑与土木工程学院 四川成都
2 . , 61004 1)
四川冶金设计研究院 四川成都
: , , ,
摘 要 通过大量国内外文献分析与研究 对再生混凝土结构性能研究和应用现状进行了综述 并结合可持续发展战略 分析
: ; ;
关键词 再生混凝土 再生混凝土结构 结构性能
中图分类号:TU528. 01 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 - 1933 (2011)03 - 191 - 06
Prospect on the research and application situation of the structural
performance of recycled aggregate concrete
1 1 2 1 1
BAN Mingxia ,JI Hong-fei ,SU Kan ,YAN Zhizhong ,ZHANG Lin
(1. Xihua University ,Chengdu 610039 ,China ;
2 . Sichuan Metallurgical Design & Research Institute ,Chengdu 61004 1,China)
Abstract :Based on the review of large quantity related national and international references ,the research and application situation of
the structural performance of recycled aggregate concrete is presented in this paper. Based on the sustainable development strategy ,the
prospect on the research and application of the structural performance of recycled aggregate concrete were analyzed.
Key words :recycled aggregate concrete ;recycled aggregate concrete structure ;structural performance
大量的待建建筑使得混凝土的需求量增大 又造成
0 前 言
再生骨料混凝土(Recycled Aggregate Concrete , , ,
有限性 改善和降低环境负担等 将建筑垃圾循环再
RAC) (Recycled Concrete),
简称再生混凝土 它是指