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34 4 ( ) Vo.l 34 No. 4 2006 4 JOURNAL OF TONG JIUN IVERSITY(NATURAL SC IENCE)  Apr. 2006 谭克锋 ( ,  621010) :、、. . 、. , , . , . 60 M P 、 200 mm 、 1 834 kg m - 3. mw /m b () , 550 kg m - 3mw /m b 0. 28, . , 10%. . , , . :;;; :TU 528. 4    :A       :0253 - 374X(2006)04 - 0472 -04 S tudy on Cha racterist ics of Lgi htw egi ht Agg regate and H gi h Pe rformance L gi htwe gi ht Agg regate Conc rete TAN K ef eng (College o fM teri ls Science nd Engineering, Southw estUniversity of Science nd Techno logy, M i ny ng 621010, Chin ) Abstract:Some ch r cteristics of lightweight ggreg te (LWA ) nd high perform nce lightw eigh t ggreg te concrete (HPLWAC )w ere investig ted. The LWA s dop ted in this study re exp nding sh les nd sintered fly sh ones. The test resu lts show th t thew ter bsorp tion of LWA m de of exp nded sh les is much less th n th tm de of sintered fly sh, mi plying th t less extr w ter is needed during concrete m ixing to get desiredmw /m b r tio. HPLWAC c n bem de successfully w ith compressive strength higher - 3 th n 60 MP , slump round 200 mm nd density less th n 1 834 kg m . The binder content ffects - 3 the comp ressive strength of HPLWC. How eve,r w hen the binder content exceeds 550 kg m , the effect becomes insignific n.t Low eringm w /m b r tio c n imp rove the strength


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