海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section B导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section B导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

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海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section B导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section B 一、话题导学:(学习目标) 1.Learn some new words and phrases: (学习一些新单词与词组) agree, so-so, pleasant, agree with sb., brave ,useful ?2.?Learn?some?useful?sentences:?(学习一些有用的句子) (1)I?thought?it?was?just?so-so.???(2)I?thought?he?was?very?brave!? (3) It’s?nothing?serious.? ? 3.?Go?on?learning?the?past?continuous?tense:? —What?were?you?doing?at?this?time?last?night?? ?I?was?watching?a?Harry?Potter?movie.? ?4.?Learn?to?express?agreement?and?disagreement:? ? —I?think?classical?music?is?pleasant.? ?—?I?agree?with?you.?/?No,?I?don’t?think?so.?I?think?it’s?too serious.? 5. Learn reading phonetic /l/ /n/ , /n/ /?/ and can spell word corresponding example. Pay attention to English pronunciation even to read. 二、预习导纲: 3、句子理解与熟读 1) Isn’t it interesting? 2) I agree with you. / I think so. 3) I don’t agree. / I don’t think so. I think it is just so-so. 4) You are quite right. 三、课堂导练: 1、选词填空 brave, agree , useful , pleasant 1) I think the English learning machine must be ___________ . It can help me a lot . 2)We discussed for about hours . Finally, We all _________ with each other on that plan. 3) I?really?enjoy?the?music.?It?sounds?so?___________. 4) I think Harry Potter is cute and he is very ______________ . 2、单项选择 ( ) 1. —Who can tell me what Tina was doing from 4:00 to 6:00 yesterday afternoon? —She ____. A. is watching a movie B. was watching a movie C. watched a movie D. watches a movie ( ) 2. 梂hat did you do last night ? ?I _____ TV with my friends. A. watches B. watch C. am watching D. watched ( ) 3. ?I think classical music is pleasant. 梍_____ . I often listen to it. A. No, it doesnwa’t. B. I agree with you. C. Yes, it does. D. No, I think so. ( ) 4. I_____ Jack _____ playing in the garden. He ____ teaching himself at that time. A. think, wasn’t, was B. don’t think, wasn’t, was C. don’t think, was, was D. think, was, was ( ) 5. —Didn’t he



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