海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版.doc

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海南省海口市第十四中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section D导学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

Unit 4 Topic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section D 一、话题导学:(学习目标) 1.拼读识记生单词和短语: million, whole, nation, rebuild, normal, appear, injured, send, army, with the help of, return to 2. 复习多音节形容词的比较级和最高级以及重要的习惯表达用语。 3. 了解汶川大地震及灾后重建情况。 二、预习导纲: 1、单词互译与记忆1) whole 2) rebuild 3) appear 4) 派遣;打发;安排去 5) 军队 ______________ 2、短语互译与记忆 1) five million 2) with the help of 3) be able to 4) 重返 5) 正常的生活 3、句子理解与熟读 ……的帮助下”。如: With the help of Mr. King, I passed the English exam.在金老师的帮助下,我通过了英语考试。 return to意为“重返;回归到”。 (2) The children are able to study in new, safe schools.孩子们能够在新的、安全的学校学习。 be able to和can 都是表示“能够”,但用法有差别:can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(即can/could和两种形式),没有人称和数的变化;be able to可以用于各种时态(但不能和can/could连用) 【考题】I ______ able to swim when I was ten years old. A. will be B. can be C. could D. were (4) Sent the army to help.派军队去支援。 send意为“派遣;打发;寄”。如: My mother sent me to buy some milk. 妈妈差我去买些牛奶。 I’m going to send him a letter. 我打算给他寄封信。 【拓展】与send有关的常用短语有:send for派人去请(取),send up发射,send sb. off给某人送行,send a massage捎口信 四、课堂导练: 1、选词填空 whole, send, appear, level, army 1) A _________9.0 earthquake happened in the northeast of Japan on March 11, 2011. 2)Hearing the good news, the __________ country were excited. 3) Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. I’m going to ___________ him a birthday card. 4) Mike asked me to wait for him at the school gate at 4:00 p.m. But he didn’t ____________ until 4:30p.m. 5) My uncle joined the __________ last month and he is a soldier now. 2. 完成句子。 1)、在因特网的帮助下,我找到了很多有用的信息。 _________________________ the Internet, I find lots of useful information. 2)、香港于1997年回归祖国。 Hongkong __________________ the motherland in 1997.



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