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43 Vol. 43 2010 CHINA C IV IL ENGINEER ING JOURNAL 2010 张建伟 曹万林 董宏英 朱 珩 (, 100124) : , 5 , : , ; , : ; ; ; + : TU352 TU398 . 2 : A : 1000-131X( 2010)-0055-07 Experim ental study on seism ic beha ior of m id-rise recycled concrete shear walls w ith different percentage of aggregate replacem ent Zhang J ianw ei Cao Wanlin Dong H ongy ing ZhuH eng ( Beiji g U iversity ofTech ology, Beiji g 100124, Ch i a) Abstract: I order to i vestigate the seism ic performa ce ofm id-rise recycled co crete shearw allw ith differe t perce tage of aggregate replaceme t a d d iffere t style of rei forceme t, 5 m id-rise shearw allswere tested u der the horizo tal cyclic load i g. Based o the expermi e t, the hysteretic behavior, load-carryi g capacity, ductility, stiff ess a d its deterioratio process, e ergy dissipatio a d failure feature of the specmi e sw ere a alyzed systematically. The results show that the more the perce tage of the aggregate replaceme t, the poorer the seism ic performa ce of recycled co crete shearw alls; a d the seism ic performa ce of recycled aggregate co crete shearw all could be greatly mi proved by setti g co cealed braci gs i thew all. Through reaso able desig , the recycled co crete shearwall is able to satisfy the a ti-seism ic requ ireme ts. K eywords: recycled co crete; m id-rise shear w al;l seism ic performa ce; expermi e tal study E-mai:l zha gjw@ bjut. edu. c , ,


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