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第 12 卷 第2 期 中 国 公 路 学 报 Vol. 12 N o. 2 1999 年4 月 China Journal of Highw ay and T ransport Apr. 1999 : 1001- 3 2( 1999) 02-0038-08 彭 凯, 肖盛燮 ( , 4000 4) : 从山洪破坏力的分布及作用特性 手, 研究简支梁桥在山洪作用下的破坏 形式及结构抗力产生、失效机制, 依据力的平衡原理, 建立简支梁桥抗洪计算模型。 : 山洪; 简支梁桥; 破坏; 计算模型 : U448. 21: A Beam bridges destructi on mechanism and calculating mode under the actions of mountai n torrents PENG Kai, XIA O Sheng-xie ( Department of Bridge Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong Institute, Chongqing 4000 4, China) Abstract: From the distribution and action features of mountain torrents devastating , forces as w ell as many destruction instances the simplysupported beam bridge w orks and failures mechanism is investigated and its general calculating mode is derived in this paper according to the static principles of equilibrium . Key words : mountain torrents; beam-bridge; destruction; calculating mode , , , , , , , , , , 1 : , : 1998-06-01 : ( 591 8354) : ( 19 4-) ,, 第2期      彭 凯等: 简支梁桥山洪破坏机理及计算模型         39  , ( ) , , , , , [ 1] , , ( 1 ) , 1 1. 1 1. 1. 1 形状力 1 2 Qv D p D p d( F ) = ( C ) 2 cosAdA ( 1) : dA ; AdA ;v dA [ 1] ; Q; ( CD )p , , ( CD )p = 2. 1 , , ( ) A= 0 , cosA = 1; ( ) A= 90 , cosA= 0 1. 1. 2 摩擦力 Qv 2 d( F D )f = ( CD )f sinA dA


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