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32 1 V ol . 32 N o. 1 20 10 3 N O RT H WEST ERN SEISM OL O GICA L JOU RN A L M ar ch , 2010 ¹ 夏修身, 陈兴冲, 王常峰, 张永亮 ( 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 甘肃兰州730070 : 用设有多 个塑性铰的全桥计算模型研究了 续刚构桥的抗震性能, 并与类似的 续梁桥作 了比较结果表明 续刚构桥在高烈度地震区所受的地震损伤仍很小, 抗震性能明显高于类似的 续梁桥; 刚构墩出现塑性后, 与弹性的相比墩底的地震力明显减小, 随着地震动强度的增加减小 的幅度增大, 但墩顶位移变化很小 : ; ; ; : U 448. 23 : A : 1000 - 0844 ( 2010 001- 00 88- 04 Study on Seismic Performance of Tall-pier and Long-span Continuous Rigid-framed Bridge X IA Xiu- shen , CH EN Xing- chong, WA N G Chang-f eng, ZH A N G Y o ng- liang (School of Civil Eng ineering, Lanz hou Jiaotong University , Lanz hou 730070, China) Abstract:T he seism ic perf orm ance of t al-l pier and lo ng- span cont inuou s rig id-f ramed bridg e is st udied by u sing t he g enreal analysis mo del w it h mult-i plast ic hinges, and compared w ith t he sim- ilar cont inuou s beam bridge. It is f ounded t hat t he continuo us rig id-f ramed br idge o nly suf fers damage slight ly in str ong gro und m ot io ns , and the eart hquake resist ant capabilit y of t his bridg e is obv iously more excellent than t hat o f t he continuo us beam bridge. Com pared w it h t he elast ic seis- m ic respo nse, seismic f orce at t he base pier is significant ly reduced w hen plast ic hing es are f orm ed in major pier . In addit ion , t he seismic f orce is gr eat ly r educed along w it h int ensit y of g round mo- t ion increasing, but incr ease of displacement at t he pier t op is not evident. Key words: Continuous rigid-framed bridge; Continuous beam bridge; Seismic performance; Plastic inge 0 ( J T G/ T B02- 01 , ,


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