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Selection of Word Meaning 根据搭配习惯选择词义 例:heavy (1) heavy current 强大电流; (2) heavy industry 重工业; (3) heavy line 粗线; (4) heavy traffic 交通拥挤。 Extension of Word Meaning 专业化引申 基于基本词义,根据所涉及专业引申出其专业化语义,以符合技术语言规范和习惯。 The running of such automated establishments remains only a matter of reading various meters mounted on panels. 管理这种自动化工厂只不过要求查看一下控制台上的各种仪表而已。 (2) These experiments have produced some valuable data. 这些试验得出了某些有价值的数据。 Extension of Word Meaning 具体化引申 将原语句中含义较为笼统或抽象的词,引申为意思较为具体或形象化的汉语词语,避免译文概念不清或不符汉语表达习惯。 At present coal is the most common food of a steam power plant. 目前,煤仍然是凝汽式电厂最常用的能源。 (2) All the wit and learning in this field are to be present at the symposium. 这一领域里的全部学者们将出席这个科学讨论会。 Extension of Word Meaning 抽象化引申 将原句中含义较为具体或形象化的词语,引申为意思较为概括或抽象的汉语词语,以符合汉语的表达习惯。 (1) VLSI is still in its infancy. 超大规模集成电路仍处于发展初期。(不能翻译成“婴儿”) (2) There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. 我们要完全掌握集成电路,还必须经过三个阶段。(不能翻译成“毕业于”) Translation of Long Sentences 顺译法 是指基本上保留原文的语法结构,依照原文顺序译出。一般地,当原文的语法结构和时间顺序与汉语相同时,可采用顺译法。在翻译过程中,根据具体情况,可增加或省略有关连接词。 (1) No such limitation is placed on an alternating-current machine; here the only requirement is relative motion, and since a stationary armature and a rotating field system have numerous advantages, this arrangement is standard practice for all synchronous machines rated above a few kilovolt-amperes. Translation of Long Sentences 顺译法 (2) For large motors, therefore, a phase-wound rotor is used, with the winding connected at one end to each other and at the other end to slip-rings, thus enabling the resistance of the rotor to be varied at will, providing a greater starting torque and some speed control. Translation of Long Sentences 倒译法 当原文的结构层次与汉语相反时,要从英语原文的后面译起,自下而上,逆着原文的顺序翻译,称为倒译法。 (1) The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding the potential difference in volts between i


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