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富阳市实验小学孙康文集 (二年级) 二〇一〇年八月 富阳亮起来了 ――富阳市实验小学二(3)班 孙康 每当夜幕降临,富阳就亮起来了。整个富阳城变成了灯的海洋,光的世界。 恩波桥上挂起了一个个大红灯笼,好像一个个新娘,远远望去,红灯笼又像在江面上燃烧的蜡烛,还像一串串火红的辣椒,更像燃放的鞭炮,美丽极了。 江滨西大道灯火通明,无数的街灯,就像火红的巨龙奔腾在美丽的富春江旁,道路上川流不息的汽车,灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。 焕然一新的秦望广场,一束束蓝色灯光照着她,就像一个个幽蓝的宝石。一阵微风吹来,假如你站在风帆的旁边,你就会觉得你现在仿佛乘坐着帆船在蓝蓝的大海上乘风破浪。 在东吴公园的鹿山上,鹿山在灯光的照射下,显得更加耀眼,鹿山上的富春阁就像一座皇宫,金壁辉煌,光彩夺目。 夜晚的富阳,多么明亮,多么辉煌! Fuyang light up Fuyang City Experimental Primary School 2 (3) class SunKang When night fell, Fuyang to light up. Fuyang city lights into the sea of light in the world. Enpo bridge hang a red lantern months, like a brides from afar, red lanterns butter candles burning in the river surface, but also as a string of red peppers, like the discharge of firecrackers, very beautiful the. Riverside West Boulevard lights, numerous lights, like red dragon Pentium beside the beautiful Fuchun River, the road steady stream of cars, lights flashing, like the Milky Way from heaven. Qin Wang Plaza, a new look, a bunch of blue light beam according her, like a jewel in a faint. A breeze blowing, if you stand next to windsurfing, you will feel as if you are riding a boat in the blue sea on the wind and waves. Soochow park in Lushan, the Lushan in lights, look even more dazzling, Lushans Fuchun House is like a palace, gold wall brilliant, dazzling. Fuyang night, how bright, how glorious! 富 春 江 ――富阳市实验小学二(3)班 孙康 清晨,江面上飘着白白的雾,远处的青山,近处的船只都隐隐约约地倒映在江水中。 中午,太阳高照,富春江的美景和周围建筑,都清晰地展现在眼前,阳光洒在江面上,就像千万只的黄色蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。 每当夜幕降临,富春江就亮了起来,四周灯光闪烁,像一颗颗金光闪闪、亮晶晶的小星星拉着手,眨着眼。 富春江风光秀丽,吸引了许许多多的中外游客。 Fuchun river In the morning, white mist in the 7th, the distance of castle peak, the ships are distantly near the river was reflected in the database. At noon, sun illuminates, fuchunjiang beauty and surrounding buildings, are clearly demonstrated in front, the sunshine in the 7th, like the yellow butterfly sprawling archipelago in the dance. When night comes, fuchunjiang was lit up with flashing lights, like, crushing the glittering, reflected s



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