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DOI :10.13741/j.cnki .11 -1879/o4.2000.05.004 265 Vol.26 No.5 2 0 0 0 9                OPT ICA L T ECHN IQU E               Sept. 2000 :1002-1582 (2000)05-0395-05    纯距离法激光跟踪坐标测量系统的布局与仿真 胡朝晖, 王佳, 刘永东, 梁晋文 ( ,  100084) :。 , , , 。 , 。 、、 。 , , , 。 :;;;Gau -Newton ;Levenberg-M arguardt :T N247   :A The arrangement and simulation of laser tracking system for measuring coordinate with distance-measured-only HU Zhao-hui, WANG Jia, LIUYong-dong, LIANG Jin-wen (State key laboratory of preci io n mea urement technology and in trument , Department of preci ion in trument , T inghua Univer ity, Beijing  100084, China) Abstract:In ordinary la er tracking and mea uring y tem, the target coordinate are determined by mea uring the varia- tion of di tance and the turning angle.In the la er tracking and mea uring y tem with di tance-mea ured-o nly, the coordinate mea urement can be made only by mea uring the di tance and variatio n of di tance without mea uring the angle, o the mea- urement preci ion i high.T he geo metric parameter of thi y tem may elf-calibrate without tandard ruler, and the reference y tem for mea uring virtual coordinate i et up.T herefore the arrangement of multi-tation mea uring y tem, the electio n of mea ured point , the conv ergence and error of the computation, and o on, mu t be analy zed.T he mathematical model of elf- calibration in la er tracking and mea uring y tem i pre ented at fir t.T hen the Jacobian matrix of the equatio n i analy zed. A nd the re triction on the arrangement of tation and mea ured point in the mea uring y tem by elf-calibration i deducted. Finally the concl


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