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The Solitary Reaper 孤独的刈(割)麦女 William Wordsworth 威廉 华兹华斯 V. Themes of Wordsworth’s poems 1.natural impressions 2.the feelings of the common people 3.harmony between humanity and nature 写作背景 华兹华斯生于英格兰西北部湖区一律师家庭,八岁时离家求学,爱好大自然和诗歌。1787年进剑桥大学。1790年暑期徒步游历法国、瑞士、意大利。1791年毕业后徒步漫游了威尔士。他曾多次到苏格兰各地游历,广泛接触大自然和乡村风土民情。这首诗据说就是他游历时的收获;另一种说法认为是诗人读了朋友哈金森的一则日记后写的。哈金森在日记中写道,在一次远足中,他偶然看到一位苏格兰高地农家女在麦田里一面劳作,一面唱歌。歌声悠扬哀婉,凄切动人。这些材料经过诗人点化,成了这首脍炙人口的抒情诗。 FIGURES OF SPEECH 反衬 用夜莺和杜鹃反衬少女歌声的优美 暗喻 、通感 声音在作者眼中 变为有形的事物 呼语 BEHOLD HER /O LISTEN 反复 同源词反复 类比 少女的歌声与夜莺和杜鹃的歌唱 诗人与旅人 及赫布里群岛 象征 MOUNT UP THE HILL 象征着人生的旅途 反问 * * Stanza 1: The poet heard a Scottish girl singing while reaping in the wheat field. 1Behold her, single in the field, 2Yon solitary Highland Lass! 3Reaping and singing by herself; 4Stop here, or gently pass! vt. look at =yonder: overthere 苏格兰西 北部高原 The poet hesitates.or恐惊 5Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 6And sings a melancholy strain; 7O listen! for the Vale profound 8Is overflowing with the sound. 哀伤的曲调 =valley =girl Her voice is like water. 捆 Behold her, single in the field,   Yon solitary Highland Lass!   Reaping and singing by herself;   Stop here, or gently pass!   Alone she cuts and binds the grain   And sings a melancholy strain;   Oh listen! For the vale profound   Is overflowing with the sound. 看她,在田里独自一个,   那个苏格兰高原的少女!   独自在收割,独自在唱歌;   停住吧,或者悄悄走过去!   她独自割麦,又把它捆好,   唱着一只忧郁的曲调;   听啊!整个深邃的谷地   都有这一片歌声在洋溢 Stanza 2: The poet is surprised to hear such a beautiful song in so remote a place. 1No Nightingale did ever chaunt 2More welcome notes to weary bands 3Of travellers in some shady haunt, 4Among Arabian sands =chant歌唱 可爱的 音符 group oasis绿洲 where travellers take a rest under the trees. deserts in most of the Arabian Peninsula 半岛 nightingale 夜莺a bird good at singing 5A voice so thrilling ne‘er was heard, 6In spring-time from the Cuckoo bird, 7Breaking the silence of the seas 8Among the farthest Hebrides . 动人的 =never herald 信使of spr


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