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施 工 技 术 2008年 6月
高立明 ,樊听龙
(中交一航局四公司 ,天津 3004 12)
[摘要 ]对称悬臂的施工方法在施工期间不影响桥下通航或行车 ,而且充分利用了预应力混凝土承受负弯矩能力强
的特点 ,提高了桥梁的跨越能力 ,悬臂施工法的重点是线形控制 。本文以天津港南疆复线公路桥预应力混凝土连
续梁桥为例 ,介绍了悬臂施工中挂篮施工 、合拢等施工过程中控制线形的方法和措施 。
[关键词 ]悬浇施工 ;挠度 ;合拢 ;线形控制
[中图分类号 ]U44 [文献标识码 ] A [文章编号 ] 1002 8498 (2008) S0023403
L inear Con trol in Can tilever Ca sting of Prestressed Concrete Br idge
Gao L mi in g , F a n T in g lo n g
( The F ou rth E ng ineering Comp any of the F irst N EB of CCCC, T ianj in 3004 12, Ch ina)
A b stract: Symm etry cantilever con struction m ethod has no influence on navigation under b ridge and driving during con
struction p eriod. Th is m ethod fu lly u ses the characteristic s of h igher negative bending mom ent cap acity of p re stre ss concrete
wh ich imp rove s the cro ssing ab ility. But th is m ethod ’s key point is linear con tro l. For the p restressed concrete continuou s
beam s b ridge in Tianj in Port N anj iang doub le - line bridge a s an examp le, linear control m ethod s and m ea su re s du ring con
struction p roce ss of hanging ba sket con struction and shut in can tilever con struction are showed.
Key words: can tilever ca sting; deform ation; shu t; linear con trol
1 工程概况 2 悬臂浇筑的线形控制
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南疆复线公路桥位于渤海西岸海河入海 口,现有 悬臂施工 又称平衡悬臂施工 是在 已建成的桥
南疆公路大桥和南疆铁路大桥的北侧 , 西端与津沽一 墩