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上饶师范学院 优秀本科毕业论文
OnNames ofCharactersinLiteraryWorksandTheirTranslation
OOnnNNaammeess ooffCChhaarraacctteerrssiinnLLiitteerraarryyWWoorrkkssaannddTThheeiirrTTrraannssllaattiioonn
吴 红 指导老师:刘晓雪
吴吴 红红 指指导导老老师师::刘刘晓晓雪雪
摘 要:
摘摘 要要::人物是文学作品中的焦点, 而人物的名字不仅能体现作品中人物的性格特点, 并暗示其命运,
还有助于对故事情节的理解。因此, 作家们尝试用各种方法使其作品中人物的名字具有特殊内涵。然而,
文学作品中人物的命名并非易事, 其翻译难度更大。本文尝试分析作家常用的人物命名的方法以及探讨
关关键键词词::人物名字;文学作品;修辞; 翻译
Characters’ names are much more intentionally given by writers in literary works than by people in their
real lives. They may be considered a clue of the plot, a description of the appearance of the characters, a
presentation of their characteristics or personalities, or even an indication of their fates. Most writers hide their
standpoints, hopes, likes and dislikes in the names of the characters. Besides, characters’ names, if cleverly
Since names usually give vivid images of the characters, show their temperaments and even suggest their
fates, writers always try to employ different linguistic techniques in naming their characters to achieve these
goals. Of all the linguistic techniques, rhetorical devices are the most effective ones. Thus the paper tends to
analyze two types of names given in literary works, that is, one type of names designed to create puns on the
phonetic level and the other type designed to create puns on the semantic level, and to discuss the methods of
1. Namesdesignedtocreatepuns
11.. NNaammeessddeessiiggnneeddttooccrreeaatteeppuu