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摘要 随着计算机技术、宽带技术以及网络技术的飞速发展,人们对信息的需求越来越大。信息化的浪潮正在席卷全球的每一个角落。人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。而且这种趋势不仅仅体现在技术的更新上,更重要的是体现在人们的思维习惯上,信息化正逐渐成为人们最基本的需求而体现在生活的各个层面上。过去,在设计大楼内部的数据系统时,会使用各种不同的传输线缆,信息插座以及插头。 小区FTTX+LAN宽带接入网设计是为了顺应发展需求而特别设计的一套宽带系统,对于智能化建筑来说,就如体内的神经,它采用了一系列高质量的标准材料,以模块化的组合方式,为智能化建筑的系统集成提供了物理介质。 今天,我将有幸对安溪阳光城小区和鸿业华庭小区FTTX+LAN宽带接入网设计方案。我将对两个小区进行整体的测量、设计并计算出我所需的材料总数并进行工程预算,画出工程图。以实现光纤入户,满足用户网络需求的目的。 关键词:FTTX、LAN、宽带接入技术、光纤、CAD制图。 Abstract Along with the computer technology, the rapid development of broadband technology and network technology, peoples demand for information is more and more big. Wave of informatization is swept every corner of the world. Great changes have taken place in peoples life. And this trend is not only reflected on the update of technology, more important is reflected in peoples thinking habits, informatization is becoming peoples most basic needs and reflect on all aspects of life. In the past, in the design of data within the building system, use a variety of different transmission cable, information socket and plug. Village FTTX + LAN broadband access network is designed in order to comply with the demand of the development and design a broadband system in particular, for intelligent buildings, such as nerve in the body, it adopted a series of high quality standard material, with modular combinations, for intelligent building system integration provides a physical medium. Today, I will be lucky enough to Minneapolis to anxi sunshine town village and hongye village FTTX + LAN broadband access network design. I will whole measurements made on the two plots, design and calculate the total number of materials I need to engineering budget, and draw the engineering drawing. To meet the demand of the users network of optical fiber household purposes. Keywords: FTTX, LAN, broadband access technology, optical fiber, CAD drawing. 目录 绪论 - 1- 第一章 宽带接入网概述: - 2- 1.1宽带 - 2- 1.2 宽带接入技术介绍 - 2- 1.2.1、ADSL接入方式: - 3 - 1.2.2、FTTX+LAN接入方


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