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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 电子商务实验室EDI模拟系统的设计与分析       电子商务实验室EDI模拟系统的分析与设计 摘要:电子商务实验室是针对电子商务课程相对应的实践环节所需的实践环境,为了让学生更好地熟悉和理解电子商务的各个交易流程,实验室中涉及了C2C、B2C、B2B电子交易、EDI模拟系统、物流网管理系统、网上银行、考试系统、网络营销等。EDI是英文Electronic Data Interchange的缩写,中文可译为“电子数据互换” EDI模拟系统是电子商务实验室其中的一个模块。它将模拟EDI(电子数据交换)整个过程。该研究通过面向对象的分析和设计方法对该模块进行全面的流程设计和分析。使用UML写出并画出完成该模块的系统分析与系统设计部分,就该模块来实现一个系统模型。 EDI模拟系统包括有以下模块:贸易伙伴管理、商品信息管理、单证录入接口、报文生成和处理模块、格式转换模块、通信模块和管理平台等模块。 关键词:EDI模拟系统; UML E-CommerceLab EDI simulation system’s Analysis and Design Abstract: Laboratory for e-business e-commerce is relatively courses should be part of the practice of the practice environment, in order to allow students to better know and understand the various e-commerce transaction process, the laboratory involved in the C2C, B2C, B2B electronic transactions, EDI simulation System, the logistics network management system, Internet banking, examination systems, marketing, etc. EDI is the English abbreviation of Electronic Data Interchange, the Chinese can be translated as electronic data interchange. EDI simulation system is one of the e-commerce laboratory module. It will simulate EDI (electronic data interchange) the whole process. The study by the object-oriented analysis and design of the module to conduct a comprehensive process design and analysis. Require the use of UML to write and draw to complete the module system analysis and design of the system. On the module to achieve a simple system model. EDI simulation system is one of the e-commerce laboratory module. It will simulate EDI (electronic data interchange) the whole process. Including the following modules: trading partner management, the value of information management, document entry interface, to the text generation and processing module, the format conversion module, communications modules and platform management modules. Key words: EDI simulation system; UML 绪论 EDI的概念 EDI是英文Electronic Data Interchange的缩写,中文可译为“电子数据互换”,港、澳及海外华人地区称作“电子资料联通”。它是一种在公司之间传输订单、发票等作业文件的电子化


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