房地产项目促销推广策略研究本科论文 .doc

房地产项目促销推广策略研究本科论文 .doc

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宁波大红鹰学院 毕业论文 题目宁波宁盛置业有限公司房地产项目促销推广策略研究 毕业论文诚信声明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的毕业论文《宁波宁盛置业有限公司房地产项目促销推广策略研究》是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。除文中特别加注的地方外,论文中不包含他人已经发表的学术成果或者他人为获得高等学校学位而使用过的材料,论文中不涉及任何知识产权纠纷。否则,本人将承担一切责任。 学生签名: 年 月 日 摘 要 随着经济的发展、住房制度的完善,房地产行业已成为国民经济的支柱性产业之一,但同时房地产市场竞争也日趋激烈。房地产开发企业要想在激烈的市场竞争环境中生存发展,必须对房地产项目进行准确的促销推广策划。 本文运用理论与实际相结合、定性与定量相结合的方法,对宁盛置业有限公司项目的促销推广方案进行研究。首先,在房地产营销策划相关理论基础上,结合宁波房地产市场状况,分析宁盛置业有限公司的竞争环境以及内部的优势与劣势、外部的机会与威胁。其次,结合目标市场的特征,制定本项目的产品、价格、渠道和促销推广策略方案。最后,从经济效益和社会效益两方面对项目促销推广方案进行综合评价,并针对可能存在的风险提出相应的防范措施。本研究对宁盛置业有限公司的发展与项目的开发具有指导意义,并对同类房地产开发企业有一定的参考意义。 关键词:房地产,促销推广策略,战略分析 Abstract Real estate already becomes the pillar industry of the nationaleconomy with the rapid development of economy and the constantimprovement of the housing system. But the competition among realestate market is especially fierce at the same time. In order to survive and develop better in todays competitive environment, real estate enterprisemust make detail and precision plan of its project. This paper combines the method of combination of theory and practice, qualitative and quantitative, the Ning Sheng promotion scheme Properties Limited Project research. First, planning related theoretical basis in real estate marketing, combined with the status of the real estate market in Ningbo, analysis of Ning Sheng Ltd. competition environment and internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities and threats. Secondly, combined with the characteristics of the target market, making the project product, price, channel and promotion strategy plan. Finally, from the promotion plan for comprehensive evaluation of the project promotion two aspects of economic benefit and social benefit, and puts forward corresponding preventive measures against possible risks. This research has guiding significance to development of Sheng development and Project Properties Limited to Ning, and has certain refer


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