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或查标准正态分布表,由F=0.2,得出z=-0.84, t(R=0.8)=μ+σz=8.2-2.4?0.84=6.184kh * 正态失效分布 2.4.2对数正态失效分布(The Lognormal Distribution) 若X是一个随机变量,且随机变量Y=lnX服从N(μ,σ)。 特征量: * * 对数正态失效分布 * 对数正态失效分布 * 对数正态失效分布 * 对数正态失效分布 2.4.3韦布尔型失效分布 设失效时间t是一个随机变量, 特征量: * m——形状参数 ?——位置参数 或起始参数、转移参数 t0 ——尺度参数 ——真尺度参数 * 威布尔失效分布 * 0m1,递减 m=1, 指数 1m2,递增(Concave) m=2, 射线 m2, 递增(Convex) 3=m=4 递增,类似正态分布 威布尔失效分布 2.4.4指数型失效分布 当失效率是一个常数时λ 时, * 指数分布的均值: 指数分布的方差: * 指数型失效分布 * 指数型失效分布 * * * * 作业 P41: 2-1; 2-4; 2-5; 2-6; 2-8; 2-9; 2-11; 2-12; 2-13 * 1,构造类似正态概率纸的网格 2,利用2-7例题的数据,验证其分布为正态分布 编程——Matlib * 补充作业: 1.The Reliability of a turbine blade can be represented by the following: Where t0 is the maximum life of the blade. (a)Show the blade are experiencing wearout. (b)Compute the MTTF as a function of the maximum life . (c)If the maximum life is 2000 operating hours, what is the design life for a reliability of 0.90? * 补充作业: 2.A new fuel injection system is experiencing high failure rates. The reliability function has been found to be Where t is the measured in years. The reliability over its intended life of 2 yr is 0.19,which is unacceptable. Will a burn-in period of 6 months significant improve upon this reliability ? If so, by how much? * 补充作业: 3.A household appliance is advertised as having more than a 10-yr life. If the following is its PDF, determine its reliability for the next 10 yr if it has survived a 1-yr warranty period: What is its MTTF before the warranty period, and what is its MTTF after the warranty period assuming it has still survived? PDF——Probability density function(失效概率密度函数) * 可靠度与不可靠度 (Reliability Function Cumulative Distribution Function ) 可靠度: 是指产品在规定的条件下,在规定的时间内,完成规定功能的概率。 一般记为R(t),这里t就是规定的时间。 复习 相应地,有不可靠度F(t),或称累积失效概率。 R(t) + F(t)=1 失效概率密度函数f(t) (Probability Density Function) 为累积失效概率F(t)的导数。 f(t) = dF(t)/dt = -dR(t)/dt 表示产品在t时刻,单位时间的失效的概率。 * 复习 失效率:工作到t时刻尚未失效的产品,在该时刻t后的单位时间内发生失效的概率,记为 λ(t)。 可靠度与失效率的关系: * 2.3.4条件可靠度