工程监理管理系统的设计与实现本科论文 .doc

工程监理管理系统的设计与实现本科论文 .doc

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摘要 工程监理管理软件是指对工程建设的过程以及在建设过程中涉及的人、财、物、时间的综合管理软件。从过程分析,一般包括计划、实施、核算、分析四个部分,并能科学地设置互联的方式,将这四项有机的连贯起来,形成了一个完整的“利益循环”工作流程。从涉及内容分析,包括时间进度、成本、设备材料、人力资源、机械设备、采购管理等方面,管理的重点一般以项目的成本动态控制为核心,以进度控制为龙头, 以合同管理为线索,以客户(业主)满意度为目标。 本文主要是以B/S为架构,以SSH为框架的基础进行论述的。论述过程也是对系统的再一次熟悉。本系统使用的开发工具是Myeclipes,开发语言是Java,所使用的数据库是Mysql数据库。 工程监理管理系统针对施工阶段的项目监理,对建设监理各类信息进行收集、加工、存储、检索、传递和输出的计算机辅助管理系统。本系统的目标是实现对监理信息的全面、系统、规范及科学化管理,同时降低监理工作人员的工作强度、减少重复或繁重的工作从而提高工作效率。工程监理管理系统的目标是监理工作的三控两管一协调,保证项目监理部良好、高效、低成本的运行,特别适合监理公司与专业监理人员使用,达到事半功倍的效果。 关键词: B/S; Abstract Engineering supervision is refers to the process of project construction management software as well as the people involved in the construction process, goods, content, time of the integrated management software. From the process analysis, generally includes planning, implementation, accounting, analysis of four parts, and can set the connected mode scientifically, the four organic coherent rise, has formed a complete workflow cycle interests. From analysis of contents, including schedule, cost, equipment, materials, human resources, machinery and equipment, procurement management, the focus of management on project cost dynamic control as the core, to a schedule control, contract management for clues, to customer satisfaction as the goal (the owner). This paper is based on B/S architecture, based on SSH framework foundation is discussed. Paper is also familiar with system again. This system is Myeclipes using development tools, development language is Java, database is used by the Mysql database. Engineering supervision management system in view of the construction phase of the project supervision, the construction supervision of various kinds of information collection, processing, storage, retrieval, transfer and output of computer aided management system. The goal of this system is to realize the comprehensive and system of supervision information, standardized and scientific management, and supervision staff and reduce working intensity, reduce



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