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河南财经政法大学成功学院本科生毕业论文 工业企业负债筹资风险分析 摘  Abstract Because the enterprise had the independent fund raising authority, the modern industry enterprise on borrowings phenomenon also generally exists, fund raising method also more and more diverse, The risk which brings along with the debt fund raising is also getting more and more serious. How does the modern industry enterprise reduce or the elimination risk in the 21st centurys steep competition environment obtains the survival, is question which the current Industrial enterprise urgently awaits to be solved. This article through carries on the analysis to the modern industry debt present situation, Carries on the research analysis to the labor profession enterprise debt fund raising existences risk question. First has limited the Industrial enterprise risk fund raising concept. To the fund raising channel carries on the analysis again from the fund raising background significance to the fund raising method. Next conducts the research to the Industrial enterprise fund raising risks root or the origin. Proposed that the fund raising already has offers loans the intrinsic factor, also beside exists offers loans the factor. Finally proposes the Industrial enterprise debt fund raising risk guard countermeasure, Should choose suits the enterprise own capital structure, the analysis enterprise operational risk, the analysis enterprise fund raising, quantity, the principle and the channel and has measures and so on certain risk management consciousness to reduce enterprise own risk. Key Word: Industrial business; Debt financing; Risk financing; Risk prevention 目  引 言 1 (一)研究的背景和意义 1 (二)文献综述 1 (三)研究的主要内容 1 一、现代工业企业的概述 3 (一)工业企业的概念、特征和分类 3 (二)工业企业的管理 3 二、工业企业负债筹资概述 4 (一)工业企业负债筹资的概念 4 1.现代工业企业负债筹资的现状 4 2.工业企业负债筹资目标和原则 4 3.风险筹资的含义 4 (二)工业企业负债筹资渠道和方式 5 1.工业企业负债筹资渠道 5 2.工业企业负债筹资方式 5 三、工业负债企业筹资风险的成因分析 6 (一)工业企业负债筹资风险的成因 6 1.负债筹资的规模 6 2.借款利息率 6 3.经营风险 6 (二)两个典型的工业企业负债筹资案例 6 1.马绍尔工业公司筹资的成功案例 6 2.韩国现代汽车公司的失败案例 7 四、工业企业负债筹资风险防范对策分析



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