公允价值计量在性房地产的应用问题分析本科论文 .doc

公允价值计量在性房地产的应用问题分析本科论文 .doc

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本科生毕业论文 公允价值计量在投资性房地产的 应用问题分析 —— 以中航地产为例 摘 要 近十几年来,公允价值计量问题一直是国际会计前沿中极富挑战性的热点和难点问题。当前,无论是美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB),还是国际会计准则理事会(IASB),都正经历着将公允价值计量引入会计准则的历程。2006年9月,FASB颁布了第157号财务会计准则公告(SFAS157)《公允价值计量》,创建了公认会计原则(GAAP)下的公允价值计量框架,极大地提高了公允价值计量的可靠性和可操作性。我国对公允价值计量的研究起步较晚,在将其引入会计准则的过程中可谓几经反复,一波三折。在国际趋同和协调的大环境下,必威体育精装版颁布的《企业会计准则2006》广泛谨慎地重新引入公允价值计量,从而对我国财务会计的理理论和实务产生深远影响。 2006年财政部发布的新会计准则中提出了投资性房地产的概念,符合条件的投资性房地产允许使用公允价值进行后续计量。在近年来我国房地产价值不断攀高的背景下,采用公允价值计量对企业的财务报表无疑具有重大利好影响,但是公允价值计量在我国会计发展中还有些问题,在实务应用中有缺陷,因此这样一个对企业有利的政策目前并未被大多数上市企业所采纳。本文通过对投资性房地产采用公允价值进行后续计量进行分析,揭示公允价值计量对企业的影响。同时针对我国投资性房地产公允价值计量中存在的问题提出了对策和建议,并分别从政府和公司两方面进行了论述。 关键词:公允价值;后续计量;投资性房地产 Abstract Recently, fair value measurement has been the most challenging hot topics of accounting in most countries. Both FASB and IASB are under the procession of introducing the concept of the fair value measurement into the GAAP now. FASB issued SFAS NO.157,established a framework for measuring fair value, which significantly improved the reliability and the operability of the fair value measurement. Our country introduced the theory of fair value measurement later than the other countries did. Nevertheless, there exists twist and tums in the propaganda for introducing of the fair value accounting. In order to strengthen harmonization and convergence between Chinese Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRSS), Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises promulgated in 2006 by Chinese Ministry of Finance adopted fair value measurement on a large scale, which deeply affected both theory and practice of financial accounting in our country. The new accounting standards issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2006 proposed the concept of investment real estate,Eligible investment real estate allows the use of fair value for subsequent measurement. This year the real estate market is growing. Measured at fair value has a significant positive impact on corp



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