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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于手机的心电数据 采集系统开发 专 业 物联网工程 班 级 物网111 学 生 王甜 指导教师 于蕾 2015 年 摘要 随着社会的发展,生活的压力越来越大,心脏类疾病的患病率在不断增加,逐步上升为危害人类生命的最重要因素之一。现在存在的心电监护设备,不是体积大操作麻烦,就是成本高,价格昂贵。现在人们迫切需要一款便携式的,价格低廉的心电监护系统。即满足患者日常的心电监护功能,又出行方便携带。 本系统我们结合了Android的特点,利用Android的框架和蓝牙的通信实现了心电数据采集功能,心电图绘制模块将心电数据绘制成直观的心电图,以医务人员的查看和分析。另外提供了文件存储,和使用SQLite对用户的信息进行存储和管理,并且提供的发送短信功能。 本系统可能没有医院的心电设备功能强大,但是日常的中的使用和监测完全可以满足。出行时可以随身携带,非常方便,并且可以有酷炫的视觉感受,方便用户操作。既成本低,又低能耗。以后将成为大家生活健康的使用趋势。 关键词:心电,安卓,蓝牙 Abstract With the development of the society, the life to the more and more pressure, the prevalence of heart diseases are on the increase, gradually increased to endanger human life one of the most important factor. Now existing ecg monitoring equipment, not the volume big trouble operation, is the high cost, is expensive. Now there is an urgent need of a portable, inexpensive ecg monitoring system. Satisfy patients ecg monitoring function, and travel is convenient to carry. We combined with the characteristics of the Android, this system using the Android framework and the bluetooth communication realizes the ecg data acquisition function, electrocardiogram (ecg) drawing module to ecg data into intuitive electrocardiogram (ecg), in order to view and analysis of medical workers. Also provides file storage, and use SQLite to store and manage the users information. The system may not be the hospital electrical equipment, powerful but can completely satisfy the daily use and monitoring. Can carry, when travel is very convenient, and can have the feeling of cool, easy operation. Both low cost and low energy consumption. The use of the later will become everyone healthy life trend. KEY WORDS: ecg, android, bluetooth 目录 第1章 前 言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 2 1.3 心电监测常用设备 2 1.4 发展趋势 5 1.5 章节安排 5 第2章 系统开发环境和技术 7 2.1系统的软件要求 7 2.2系统硬件支持 7 2.3 Eclipse工具 7 2.4 Java语言 8 2.5 SQLite 8 2.6 蓝牙 9 2.7 Android简介 10


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