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必威体育官网网址类别编 号院(系)别 传媒技术学院 专 业 电子信息工程 摘 要 在21世纪,各项行业的快速发展和人们对安全的需求越来越高,这就使得我们不得不去研究建立一个高效完善的安防监控系统。本篇文章完整的阐述了用嵌入式系统和GPRS模块来模仿安防监控,构建智能安防监控系统,防盗、防火灾系统是利用红外传感器对现场实时进行监控,在有异常情况的时候启动GPRS系统发送短信到指定的号码或发送到给119火警。 火警系统采用温度传感器通过A/D转换来采集温度,本文利用开发板adc设备模拟火警,当现场温度高于预设定的温度值时,系统启动报警铃并发送短信到指定号码。防盗系统则是利用按键模块来模拟小偷,达到完美监控。用户在使用该系统时可以通过Internet网络登录到该监控机,点击网页中的控制按钮来打开/关闭监控机的防盗系统和火警系统,可以查看监控现场的实时情况并且能将现场的情况手动经行拍照,也可以浏览在有意外发生地时候监控机自动保存的照片,可以为用户做有力的证据。犹豫设备缘故,视频设备就没有在本文得以体现,以下文章不会再赘述采集图片这一片段。用户即使在无网络的情况下,也可以放心监控现场的情况,用户可以将短信号码设定为自己的手机号码,这样一旦现场有情况发送,监控机就会把现场的情发送给用户。 关键词:安防监控;linux内核;GPRS ABSTRACT In twenty-first Century, the rapid development of the industry and the demand for security is more and more high, so we have to study the establishment of a high efficient and perfect security monitoring system. In this article, this embedded system and GPRS module to simulate the security monitoring, intelligent security monitoring system, anti-theft, fire system is to monitor real-time infrared sensor, start the GPRS system to send text messages to the specified number or send to give 119 fire alarm when abnormal situations. The fire alarm system using temperature sensors to collect the temperature through the A/D conversion, the ADC device simulation fire use development board, when the temperature is higher than the preset temperature value, system start alarm bell and send messages to the specified number. Anti-theft system is to simulate the thief by key module, to achieve the perfect monitoring. Users can go to the monitoring computer through the Internet network to log in using the system, the control button is clicked in the webpage to open / close the monitor alarm system and fire alarm system, real-time situation can view monitoring site and can be the scene manual by taking pictures, you can also browse in the accident when monitoring machine automatically save pictures, can be powerful evidence for the user. Hesitate equipment sake, video equipment is not reflected in the pap



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