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In todays society with the rapid economic development, external competition intensified, as for an enterprise that, build your own website can race to the development of new century strategic points. To set up the new enterprise image, direct explore the international market, develop 24 hours of Internet marketing and efficient cheap directional propaganda; And customers to establish the most direct exchange mechanism, shorten the launch of new products and new market open the cycle, and attractive customer base development customer relationships; And their sales staff to keep in touch, more to local markets.
This paper discusses Content Management System - user management, column?management and content management module’s implementation. Development environment used is a project development that used in the integrated development environment-MyEclipse, the database used is a real multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database server MySQL, development language used object-oriented Java language, the development process used to jsp and servlet technology and MVC design philosophy.
user management module the main features include user login,user registration, user add,delete,modify,query and permissions set.column management module the main features include,column add,column modify,column query and column delete. content management module the main features include, content add, content modify, content query and content delete. In this implementation
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