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摘要 随着互联网的不断发展,掌握计算机知识并能够熟练的应用,是培养新型人才的一个重要环节。Java是最具生命力的计算机语言之一。作为一种程序设计语言,Java是分布式的、面向对象的、不依赖于机器的结构,它最大的成功之处在于它的平台无关性和具有强大的网络编程功能。 本系统是以MyEclipse为开发工具,MySQL为数据库开发平台,Tomcat作为应用服务器,采用JSP技术开发的图书馆管理系统。本系统主要有学生和管理员两个角色。其中学生主要实现了登录、查询图书、查看借阅记录、退出系统这些功能。管理员主要实现了登录、学生管理、图书管理、借书管理、还书管理、退出系统这些功能。JSP ABSTRACT As the Internet continues to evolve, computer literacy and the ability to skilled application is to cultivate new talent is an important part. Java is one of the most viable computer language. As a programming language, Java is a distributed, object-oriented, does not depend on the structure of the machine, its greatest success is that it is platform independent and has a strong network programming. Library management system is adapted to live in todays fast-paced society, based on JSP development, design, management staff and students face two different populations applications. In this paper, the status of library management system, the feasibility of the design of the database, to the realization of various functional modules made ??a detailed introduction. The system is based MyEclipse development tools, MySQL for the database development platform, Tomcat as the application server using JSP technology development library management system. The system has two roles of students and administrators. The main achievement among students log in, check books, check circulation records, exit the system these functions. The main achievement of the administrator login, student management, library management, library management, book management, and exit the system these functions. Keywords: library management, Java, JSP 目录 1.绪论 5 1.1 图书馆管理系统的现状 5 1.2 图书管理系统设计的目的和意义 5 2.开发工具及相关技术介绍 6 2.1 Java介绍 6 2.2 JSP介绍 6 2.3 Tomcat服务器介绍 6 2.4 MyEclipse开发工具的介绍 7 2.5 MySQL介绍 7 3.系统分析 7 3.1经济可行性分析 7 3.2 技术可行性分析 7 3.3 系统总体功能需求 8 3.4学生功能分析 8 3.5 管理员功能分析 9 4.系统设计与实现 10 4.1 数据库的设计 10 4.2 主要页面设计 12 4.3 主要代码 12 4.4系统的实现 17 5.总结 …20 参考文献 .21 致谢……………………………………………………………..21 1.绪论 图书馆要对大量的书籍、读者信息以及两者


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