基于jsp的图书管理系统前台管理设计本科论文 .doc

基于jsp的图书管理系统前台管理设计本科论文 .doc

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摘 要 随着科学技术的发展和人们生活所需的不断提高,各种数据信息量不断增多。世界各方各面都在迫切的需求更快更经济更智能化的技术来更好的管理数据。各个高校图书馆管理系统的发展证实了这个过程,从手工操作到管理员读者计算机操作,从非技术到计算机技术,无不展现了计算机软件操作的快捷、方便、存储量大等优点。所以高校所需的图书馆管理系统也跟随科学的发展而不断升级,让图书馆管理人员和学校读者更方便、更快捷的进行图书管理和图书借阅操作。 本次图书管理信息系统设计利用JSP开发工具和MYSQL数据库来开发这个图书管理系统。该系统具备了图书管理系统基本的功能,可以满足图书管理基本要求,包括借阅、查找、添加、管理等功能,能根据用户的需求,快捷方便的为读者提供借阅服务。从系统的运行结果来看,本文所设计的图书管理系统的前台管理即页面设计,整体上可以满足借阅者和图书管理员两者的需求,实现了页面的简洁、有效的展现页面信息的功能。 关键词:图书管理系统,JSP,页面设计 Abstract With the development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of peoples lives need, a variety of data traffic continues to grow. On all sides in the world urgently needs faster and more economical and intelligent technology to better manage data. Each university library management system development confirmed the process, from manual operation to an administrator reader computer operation, from the non-technical to computer technology, all show the operation of computer software fast, convenient, large memory capacity and other advantages. So college library management system is also required to follow the development of science and escalation management for libraries and schools readers more convenient and efficient library management and book lending operations. The library management information system design uses JSP development tools and MYSQL database to develop the library management system. The system has the basic functionality library management system, library management to meet the basic requirements, including lending, find, add, management and other functions, according to the needs of users, providing readers with fast and convenient loan services. Results from the operation of the system, the paper design of the library management system, front desk management that page design overall, and librarians to meet the lending needs of both to achieve a page concise and effective information to show the function of the page . Keywords: Library management system, Java Server Pages, Page design 目 录 1绪 论 1 1.1 开发背景



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