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2015---2016学年度六年级上学期中段检测 班级 姓名 一、短语互译(10分) 1.向右转 2.an interesting book 3.慢下来 4.pay attention to 5.看电影 6.tomorrow afternoon 7.买一本单词书 8.get together 9.在博物馆附近 10.traffic lights 二、读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。(10分) ( )1.A.post office B.cinema C.bookstore D.left ( )2.A.ship B.taxi C.train D.foot ( )3.A.evening B.tonight C.next week D.take a trip ( )4.A.turn B.slow C.office D.stop ( )5.A.what B.when C.where D.with 三、选择填空(10分) ( )1.I am going to buy a comic book__________ space. A. and B. with C. about ( )2.---How is Amy going tomorrow? ---__________________ A. Beijing B. By plane C. On the weekend ( )3.---________ are you going? ---I’m going to the cinema. A. What B. Where C. When ( )4. I’m going to the supermarket my sister. A. of B. with C. and 兔( )5. That’s good_________A. exercise. B.an exercise C. excercises. ( )6. How can I ______there? How do you_______home? A .get to go B. get go to C. get go ( )7. I must pay attention ____ it. A. to B. to C. in ( )8. You can go at a ____ light. A. red B. green C. yellow ( )9. Please ______ ! The light is yellow now. A. slow down and stop B. stop and wait C. go ( )10. What are you going to do_______this afternnon? A.in B.on C.\ 四、选答语,把答案的编号填在括号里。(10分) A. Tomorrow morning. B. Sure. C. He’s going to the park. D. I’m going to cook a big meal. E. Sometimes I come by bus. ( )1.Where is your friend going? ( )2.What are you going to do this evening? ( )3. How do you come to school? ( )4.Can you help me


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