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Journal of Mechanical Strength 2006 ,28(6) :913~918 ●研究简报 ● Ξ 具有内衬缠绕式压力容器缠绕过程的有限元模拟 FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF THE WINDING PROCESS OF BAND WOUND VESSELS WITH LINER 郑长良ΞΞ 1  任明法2   陈浩然2 (1. 大连海事大学 机电材料工程学院 ,大连 116026) (2. 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 ,大连 116023) 1  REN MingFa 2  CHEN HaoRan2 ZHENG ChangLiang (1. Electromechanics and Materials Engineering College , Dalian Maritime University , Dalian 116026 , China) (2. Sate Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment , Dalian University of Technology , Dalian 116023 , China) 摘要  根据具有内衬缠绕式压力容器缠绕过程和有限元分析的特点 ,提出虚 —实结合逐层实化的有限元分析策略 , 模拟其缠绕工艺过程 ,将单元划分为虚实两类 ,实单元采用真实的材料常数 ,虚单元采用很小的刚度 ,使其不影响计算结 果 ;在考虑缠绕新一层缠绕带时 ,将该层绕带的单元刚度取为真实刚度 ,即将其“实化”;缠绕过程中缠绕带的缠绕张力采 用温度参数法控制 ,使其达到预定值。该方法简便、灵活 ,适用于复杂形状的容器分析。对圆筒容器的数值分析结果表 明 ,文中的方法与已有的简化解析方法相比具有可靠的精度。 关键词  有限元分析  缠绕容器  缠绕过程 中图分类号  T333  TK229. 1  TQ051. 3  TB115 Abstract  A finite element analysis strategy for simulating the winding process of band wound vessels with metal liner is proposed according to the characteristics of the winding process and finite element method. The finite elements are classified into two types“, real elements”and“fictitious elements”. The real material constants are used for“real elements”. The fictitious elements use a fictitious stiffness that is sufficient small not to affect the computation results. When a new layer is wound , all the elements in the winding layer are“realized”by replacing the small fictitious stiffness by the real one. The temperature parameter of the elements is employed to control the winding tension to respected values. The method is simple , flexible and suitable for vessels with complex shapes. Several typical cy2l inders are analyzed. The comparison of the numerical results with those obtained by simplified analytical methods shows that the finite e2l ement method proposed is correct and effective. It has a reliable precision. Key words  Finite element analysis; Band wound vessel ; Winding process Corresponding author : ZHE


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